[center][img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/firefly_zps213f11ff.gif][/center] [quote=Hania]She turned back around to the pool at his mention of water and hobbled towards it, when she reached it's edge she fell on her knees and dipped her hands into the pool, she brought the water up to her lips, it was incredibly refreshing and sweet. Hania could feel it giving an edge to her focus. It was then that she saw the black eel-like creature circling at the bottom of the pool, she pulled back from it's edge quickly, "Wh- what's that?!" she said, pointing down into the pool.[/quote] The water indeed gave Hania a sort of energy and clarity akin to a good night's sleep; over time, it settled her stomach and strengthened her limbs. The fireflies flashed all around, and the eel far below circled and shadowed the light of the rosary. Tyaelaem crouched beside Hania and craned his neck to see. "I dunno if there's a name for it. I call it a healyfish, because it's the only one I've ever seen and it's here, in the healing water." The healyfish swung around again, and in the faint light from below there were shadows of thin crablike legs. [quote=Anise]She glanced around clearly displaying some impatience. She wanted out. She wanted to leave. She looked at Tyaelaem and nodded once. "I would be grateful if you helped us get home. You are certainly welcome to Riverforde if you help us."[/quote] The boy looked quickly up at the princess, positively radiating joy at her words. He hopped to his feet and skittered to the mouth of the long shimmering hallway, the glowing berry clutched in his fingers. He bowed low before the princess, and the long ears of his mask nearly grazed the floor. "Yes, Your Highness. Right away, Your Highness. I am grateful, Your Highness. I would be honored, Your Highness. Thank you, Your Highness." He got a thrill out of [i]Your Highness[/i] every time he said it -- it made him feel as if he were already a resident of Riverforde, the magical place with castles and kings -- and he grinned wider. While his head was below his knees, he noticed the walking stick that Anise was carrying. "Oh, Your Highness, you have a pirate's nightstick! I don't like pirates, but sometimes their [i]things[/i] are useful. I bet you [i]ordered[/i] the pirates to give it to you, Your Highness, and they had no choice but to hand it over." Tyaelaem straightened, bowed again to Anise for good measure, and then he knelt beside Randold, who very obviously could not walk with them now. He smiled while he took Randold's hand and placed the glowing berry in it. The bright fruit was slightly warm in Randold's hand, and it was squishy and soft like an overripe tomato. "You shouldn't walk yet, but you stay here and drink lots of healing water and you'll be just fine in a bit. Come find us then. Be careful with this thingy, if it breaks it oozes everywhere." He patted Randold's arm and hopped away, leaving the older man holding the glowing fruit. The boy spun around and bowed deeply to Anise again. "We don't need the glowy thing now, since Your Highness has a piratey nightstick and can lead us through the darkness. If you would lead the way, Your Highness, and allow me the extreme joy and honor of holding your hand, Your Highness," he stretched his thin hand toward Anise, "I will give my hand to the littler one," he offered his other hand to Hania, "and we will follow Your Highness through the dark."