Hello everybody! I'm new here, so I would love to introduce myself, to you. [i](And I would love to get started.)[/i] So.. I'll just start from one point to an other? Oh well, I'll try then! As the title says, my name is Nathan. But you are [i]very[/i] welcome to call me Nate, or by my username, [b]Metamorphosis[/b]. I live in Scandinavia, so yeah. [i]I'm a pure blooded viking![/i] My age is not important, if I say that I am supposed to be in the university by now, if I would. But I'm more interested in art, and writing. [s]Even tho, I could easily become a doctor, by the grades I finished off with. I even have a spot easily getting for me, if I want to become a lawyer.[/s] Oh well, enough of that. Now to the more important stuff. As told, I'm Nathan [i](I am repeating myself, oh dear..-)[/i] and I've been writing stories, and roleplays for 6+ years now. So I can do something. Which means, I'm also up for everything. Literally everything. Blood and gore? - Sure! Supernatural? - Hell yeah! Two males/females/everything in between? - Fuck yeah! Everything listed above? - When do we start? --- I guess there's nothing left to say? Feel free to ask questions, I won't mind. --- Nathan, Metamorphosis.