Also fuckboys, [hider=information on Meta-humans] Mutants, Freaks, Overhumans, Gods themselves... Commonly called Meta-humans are normal humans that were afflicted with a strange condition that has given them powers that defied the laws of nature and physics. Men with super strength, women who can teleport, children who can control nature itself. These powers are extremely varied. These abilities stem from a strange energy that resides deep within them. A green flowing energy that is known as the Meta-human energy. A invisible energy that is extremely hard to detect through normal means. This energy inhabits a Meta-human's entire body, from their skin, to their bones, to their blood. The energy isn't detrimental to them, or the environment, not even in the slightest, it can even be called beneficial. What is interesting is that scientists have observed that energy is the same, everyone has a slightly different form of the energy. Which is believed to be related to how no Meta-human has the same exact power. When a Meta-human uses their power on the outside world, a small amount of the meta-human energy gets projected and focused in that area. Such as a Water-Elemental controlling a cup of water will get some of the energy projected into it, until they cease control and the energy will return to their body. There will be a residual amount of the energy on it, however. It's so faint that it's extremely hard to even detect, only extremely specialized and complex technology can detect faint amounts of the energy. Another interesting effect the energy has is how it grows within a human being. Starting out with a small amount of the energy, until it grows as they develop and learn new things about their powers. Stronger Meta-humans tend to have more energy within them. However, there's a particular connection between high-stress situations and the advancement of powers. Under high-stress situations, powers rapidly develop. There is no set age when powers develop. Some Meta-humans are born with their powers, while others won't develop until late into their lives. Powers received are sporadic at best. There is no way to predict what power a Meta-human will have, nor who will develop powers. Not even the strongest information-type can determine that. That said, any power a Meta-human receives is almost random. Completely unrelated to race, culture, education, or physical activity. It is also theorized that every human being has the potential to become a meta-human. However, there are such a thing as hereditary powers. Powers passed from parents to the children, or simply run in the family. These are relatively uncommon, but this is the reason why there are entire families of Meta-humans. However, while inherent powers do exist, anyone will get a different version of a passed down power. In what ways vary. Sometimes it's a slight difference, then other times there's a difference in function, or they will have an ability that nobody else have. Like it's been stated before, Inherent powers are uncommon, but there is a high chance for family members to get a power. Which will be explained below. Meta-humans have a very particular effect attached to them: The Black Fall Effect. This has two main effects on the meta-human population. Firstly, all Meta-humans are subconsciously attracted to each other. So subtly that it's next to impossible to even notice. It causes the shyest people to head out and interact, or draws people to one particularly location. The more Meta-humans that are around, it will cause a "flocking" effect. The other primary effect is that those who spend plenty of time around other Meta-humans tend to get powers themselves. It can't be a minimum amount of contact, it has to be years around Meta-humans for someone to develop powers. Which is why family members and close friends are extremely likely to get powers. There's a specific kind of technology that is specifically designed to counter Meta-human powers known as the Power Suppressing Technology. This technology was developed after studying specific meta-humans that had the ability to disable or weaken the powers of other Meta-humans, and create devices based off of that. These devices come in many shapes and sizes (Darts, collars, even fields/rooms) but their one main effect is simple; they produce a wavelength that weakens powers. Depending on the device it may temporarily severe the link between the body and power, or weaken powers. This technology is now widespread in many official locations. Meta-humans are only capable of using one third of their potential strength, very similar to muscles. These natural limits are theorized to be in place so that they don't burn out. However, similar to flight-or-flight, high-stress situations allow Meta-humans to push themselves beyond their blocks, and develop them in the process. However, while powers are truly incredible, they come at a price. Powers have a toll on the body and mind. Excessive and unrestrained use would cause what could be described as physical overexertion. They'll get tired and weak from use, along with some bodily damage. Pushing powers beyond their limits in high stress situations cause even worse problems, and at it's most extreme, it may cause an effect known as "Ashing". This is basically an extremely deadly aliment where a Meta-human self destructs. Their powers shut off, and all their cells will die at an alarmingly fast rate. Their cells will drop off their body like specs of ash, and this process will continue until there is absolutely nothing left of a Meta-human. This state is extremely deadly, and there's a mere 4% chance of survival - Even if a ashing victim does survive, there are some permanent physical damage (Amputation, Brain damage, loss of powers, etc, etc - Are a few). Ashing is what Meta-humans truly fear, as any meta-human can ash if they are not careful. [/hider] Read this