Jacob left the girl there, and walked back to his boat. He took a few steps onto the deck, and then paused. He dropped to his knees, and then sat himself down on the side of the boat, leaning against the edge of the deck. He turned his face up to the sky, and let the sun beam down on his face. He soon fell asleep, taking a brief nap. It was only until Pierre stomped loudly on the deck that he woke up. Jacob slowly opened his eyes, and stood up, rubbing his shoulder. Pierre waved, and then went immediately to his cabin. Jacob decided to follow, as the sun set over the seas. Jacob flung himself on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Pierre began writing in his notebook as he sat on the bed, occasionally tapping his pen to his chin as he wrote. This reminded Jacob that he hadn't wrote in his own journal, but Jacob soon decided that he simply didn't care. There was way too much to write, and Jacob felt too tired. As the hours ticked by, Pierre finished, and eventually went to bed. He whispered a quick goodnight to Jacob, but then all went silent. The sound of the waves gently lapping up against the side of the Black Tortuga was the only noise to be heard, but even with the peace and quiet, Jacob didn't sleep. He wasn't nervous, but he spent almost all of his time thinking about the future. He was planning his next route of travel. Jacob, truthfully, didn't want to stay here much longer. There was something about the royal family that made him feel uneasy. He was silently thinking when he heard a small bump from upstairs. His eyes widened and he nearly threw himself out of bed, grabbing his cutlass with him. He ran upstairs and kicked open the door to his quarters, and saw the thief, tangled and on the floor. Jacob didn't even bother to roll his eyes, he stomped up to the intruder, and pointed his sword at them. "I've had enough now." he hissed. "Hadn't you learned from yesterday?" Jacob yelled, but didn't touch the rope. Instead, he placed his foot on their tangled ankle, and applied pressure, but not enough for it to hurt. Just enough so that they couldn't squirm it around and try to slip out of the knot anymore. "Listen," Jacob said. "Lift you hood right now. I want to see your crooked little face." he hissed, and leaned forwards. "I'll let you do it yourself, or otherwise, I'll have to slash that hood off by force."