Jin thought it over. He couldn't say he ever felt manipulated as with the insurance his sister was save he had been given a free pass to do what he always wanted. Join the heroes to drive out the villains and be the star of it all. Jin was the only earthbender after all. He just hadn't imagined himself looking as ridiculous as he did now. That last part was a bit of a problem however ''No...no I don't think your allowed to get off quite so easy mister recruiter'' The boy smiled ''You recruited me so that does make you responsible for me....such a shame if the talent you brought in gets wasted because your to grumpy to care. I think you'l make a nice bodyguard'' To Jin it was clear this man would take the subordinate role when his powers developed more but that was just the childish ego children often had. They were the ''main characters'' of any story. ''Done'' Magrus said ''Kid, as of now your responsible for that boy's safety, he dies and its on you'' The smile on the man's face implied he was more then happy to hand Jun the job of babysitter ''Now follow me, its not to far walk to the nearest base, you will see brigades walking in, just blend in and you'l be fine....you especially'' He said to Jun ''I hope you do not take an issue with my spies going through your...eh'' he glanced at Jin and tried figuring out a way to avoid feeding any mistrust between baby and babysitter ''Hot history'' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran felt just terribly about being a literary burden slowing everyone done. That this situation came from Ran fending off quite the group of enemies was lost on the unsure heir. ''The sea will do this one good'' Genji said ''Should the pirates chase us to the boats then he will have all the power he needs, unfortunately they to employ rouge waterbenders but I suspect that's nothing our lord can't handle'' In fact that was the plan she had in mind. The pirate giving chase and be washed away by the power of water, not very fire nation like but this was war. ''You stay with him my lady'' Genji instructed as they had lied Ran on his bed in the command cabin ''We shall hold the pirates off for half an hour, please keep your brother safe until then, once that is done he will turn the tide on the beach for us and we shall march into the fortress together''