Welcome dear ones to Lyle Group home! We take care of you like you are at home! We are here to make you feel better my dears!......or that's what we want you to believe. The experiment is known as Project Phoenix and ONLY the nurses and the doctors who visit know about it. And getting the information about it isn't easy either. And this is all that I am saying since its a secret. You have a choice, you either stay and find out what is happening or escape AND find out what is happening because it would only get worse. If you have any questions about what else you want to know about the group home, tell me. I will answer as best as I can about it. I don't bite. Other things to know: Each person gets their own room and decorates it as they please. There is a security alarm, only the nurses know about it. You have to attend classes. Here is the schedule: Breakfast Sports activity Arts & crafts Lunch Classes (Which is classes in the same room where you only have to do work....and work) Freetime (or chore time) Supper Free time Bed Rules: ·There can be romance but it goes too far, either stop or take it to the PM. Cause no one wants to read that. ·You can't be sleeping in another person's room without permission! ·Never. I mean NEVER use your powers in front of the nurses. ·To go out, you know the alarm, ask a nurse to open the door for when your doing 'Sports activity'. ·You have to take your meds. The nurses will give you them at Breakfast, Lunch, and supper. Okay so here is the part about your characters: Name: Age: Powers or magic: Appreance (You don't have to put a picture, but you have to describe your character(s).) Any other forms: (IF you have one) Personality: Crush: This is my character: Name: Luna Rosalin Age: 16 Powers: can shift to a wolf, and necromancer, can turn paper into anything she wants. Appearance: [hider=Luna][img]http://wallpaperpassion.com/upload1/30089/red-orange-hair-girl-photo.jpg[/img][/hider] She doesn't love skirts or dresses. She loves to wear a dog tag around her neck. Other: [hider=Wolf][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs36/f/2008/281/4/d/Delrayn_by_FaceTaiheiyo.jpg[/img][/hider] Her wolf also has white designs around its body that glow when she is turning into it. Her eyes glow blue when she shifts also. Personality: Luna doesn't remember her childhood, all she remembers is waking up in the group home. All she remembers before that was her 'issues' and her name and age. She has been staying in the group home since she was 7, she loves to make friends, but tends to be mean to new comers sometimes. She hates seeing ghost! And is never free cause death is everywhere. She is sometimes really sensitive and can get emotional unstable. She would always go to her dark room or anywhere where no one is at. She is really sassy sometimes and can joke, but when you hurt the ones she cares about she turns from being nice and shy to being a ticking time bomb. She can be a whole lot more to people then meets the eye. Crush: none