Well, the ultra countering techniques would probably be a thin chakra "shield" which allowed instant reactions to anything coming contact within, it requires AMAZING Taijutsu skill and in return for it a lot of strain is put unto the body, and the chakra needed for this is huge. Mental Gekirinken is less physical but in return needs willpower and intelligence, it involves reversing someone's Genjutsu against them (ALL Genjutsu) and a choice of chakra enchanted or non-chakra enchanted punches and kicks, every physical attack sent to the opponent, amplifies the damage done IN the Genjutsu, but WILL not be lethal nor leave wounds too bad. Forbidden Gekirinken uses the chakra "shield" to allow to pass through techniques at a near-instant speed (It can still be dodged yes) but requires even more stamina and Taijutsu skill and puts twice as much strain as a normal Gekirinken, using this technique too much will probablly kill you. All in all; Each Gekirinken can ONLY counter that art, a small exception to this is that Forbidden Gekirinken can counter Taijutsu but you're wasting away a LOT more chakra and straining your body more than needed. --- I also have an OP-ish katana and some nice gauntlets I'm willing to find later on in the RP.