"I'm surrounded by a bunch of loonatics that's what happened." Sig stood up on his newly working leg, surprised to how well it had healed. He looked to the side where Phil was banging his head. "Now I know why you heal so well. If you couldn't you'd have killed yourself by now." He looked back at his leg and moved it, shifting the weight on and off of it, but he quickly got bored of this game and looked back at Cora and Will. "So, Kettlehead, even If you guys are crazy I guess I'm stuck with you. Because I'm a generous guy, and the one with the most battle experience as well as the one with fastest thinking and best fighting skills, I will help you guys train up so you can distract all the guards while I kill Vrail. Ok? Ok. So thats done." Sig walked up to the crates of food to get his second ration. He was still hungry and after all he's done today it wasn't a surprise. He opened a new packet of food and stuffed his mouth. He looked at Cora and Will and gestured with the packet in his hand. "You know..." he chewed, his mouth full, "you guys look good together, it would be a shame if one of you were to dye." He said with a teasing voice, then changing to a slightly indifferent one.