-Realm name: The Grand Duchy of Kalkani -Flag/Banner: [img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Flag_of_Veliky_Novgorod.svg/800px-Flag_of_Veliky_Novgorod.svg.png] [hider=NATIONAL] -Capital: Volonety -Government Type: Absolute Monarchy -Currency: There are three types of coins: Kimans (copper), Serdicis (Silver) and Tumens (Gold) -Population: 16.500 000 -Realm Size: 80 Blocks -Unique Trait #1: Administrative efficiency: The central bureaucracy created by the previous Grand Dukes continues to work smoothly in the running of the nation. -Unique Trait #2: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing) -Unique Flaw #1: Unhappy subjects: The Nordlagi, inhabitants of the eastern provinces, remain a pebble in the proverbial shoe of the Grand Duke. Despite being conquered almost 150 years ago the region has yet to be truly pacified. -Unique Flaw #2 (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)[/hider] [hider=GEOGRAPHICAL] -World-Realm Map: [img=http://i1039.photobucket.com/albums/a474/Patukov/map_zps283d5432.png] -Internal-Realm Map: [img=http://i1039.photobucket.com/albums/a474/Patukov/Nation_zps16bbf249.png] -Major Cities: (From West to East) Tserersgrad. Olyverij. Panatslav. Kalkan (Capital). Bereki. Brodenlag. Nardegund. Voynev -Major Castles: (From West to East) Budevar Castle. Semenyev Fortress. Keremaniev Castle. Urianov Castle. Lodbrok Fortress. Fedyan Castle. Stolpin Fortress. Wencelaz Castle -Buildings of Interest: The Red Citadel (Located in Kalkan, the Citadel is the center of the Grand Duchy's government and home of the Stepanishikovs. A mighty fortress built to held enemies at bay for years). The Golden Cathedral (Also located in Kalkan, the massive structure is right besides the Red Citadel. It was built in honor of Justinian Magnus. It's also where mages are trained) Korolyev Yard (Located in Panatslav, the Yard is actually a major forge that produces much of the army equipment) -Geographic Features of Interest: Hykarnian Forest(Located in the frontier with the Kadian Covenant) Junbanov mountains (located in the northern coast) [/hider] [hider=RACIAL] -Majority Race: Humans -Majority Race Appearance: [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a6/30/c8/a630c8cce05b1f99a9cdb26716767e56.jpg] -Majority Race Characteristics: Just run of the mill humans [/hider] [hider=RELIGION & MAGIC] -State Religion: Justinianism -Religious Information (If creating your own local religion, information here) -Religion Demographics: The bulk of the population follows Justinianism. It's the official state religion and its enforced with deadly force -Holy Relics In Possession: Do I need GM approval for this? -Holy Sites Under Control: See above -Magical Schools and Curriculum: Constructive transmutation, geometric earth/steel/metal elemental magics. Healing. Fire Elemental Magic and Enchantment/Personal fortitude. It should be noted however, that despite heavy persecution and repression, there are still those who worship the old Ilmenian Pantheon. The now extinct pantheon of nature spirits survives mostly around isolated communities and with the occasional shady noblemen. Likewise, the Desolationist Faith is secretly practiced in some corners of the Grand Duchy. [/hider] [hider=MILITARY] -Total Military Size: 240 000 soldiers. Other 15 000 spread around the major castles and fortress as permanent garrison -Military Details : The process of recruiting, training and arming the troops is handled by the central bureaucracy. Provincial governors are to provide a certain number of able bodied recruits every year.The recruits receive some training and then a portion of them actually join the army (it depends on the manpower need at the time). It should be noted that units made up of ethnic Nordlagi are usually deployed far from their homelands to diminish the chances of rebellion or defection. Mages are all trained at the Golden Cathedral in Kalkan and are then deployed in separate 10-man units across the realm. Currently they number around 900 The Army is deployed according to the following fashion: -Army of the South (Frontier with the Kadian Covenant. Based around Budevar Castle) 35 000 soldiers- 25 000 infantrymen (7 500.Archers/ Arquebusiers, 17 500 Light and Heavy Infantrymen). 10 000 Cavalrymen (2 500 Heavy Cavalrymen. 7 500 Light Cavalrymen incl. Horse Archers.) And 150 Magic users --Army of the South-West (Spread through Urianov Castle and Lodbrok Fortress) 100 000 soldiers - 70 000 Infantrymen ( 15 000 Archers/Skirmishers/Arquebusiers. 55 000 Light and Heavy Infantrymen). 30 000 Cavalrymen (10 000 Heavy Cavalrymen. 20 000 Light Cavalrymen. Incl. Horse Archers). 350 Magic users --Army of the East. (Centered around Wencelaz Castle and Stolpin Fortress) 45 000 soldiers - 30 000 Infantrymen (10 000 Archers/Skirmishers/Arquebusiers. 20 000 Light and Heavy Infantrymen.) 15 000 Cavalrymen (12 500 Light Cavalrymen Incl. Horse Archers. 2 500 Heavy Cavalrymen). 200 Magic Users -Army of the Center (spread through the central provinces) 60 000 soldiers - 40 000 Infantrymen (10 000 Ranged and 30 000 Melee troops). 20 000 Cavalrymen (5 000 Heavy and 15 000 Light Cavalrymen). 200 Magic Users [/hider] [hider=NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE] -Head of State/Monarch: -Ruling Dynasty (If applicable): -Constable Of The Army (If applicable): -Religious Head (If Applicable): -Persons of interest: [/hider] HEROIC DRAMATIS PERSONAE -Insert hero characters here CULTURAL -History -List of Historical Grievances -Relations -Cultural Notes This is just a WIP. I'm just posting to mark a place on the map. Will edit the rest out in several hours