Marcus stared at the vulpine canine and shook his head at her, she must have been arrogant or outright stupid to say something like that. He wasn't sure what to say to her now, now that she had said this as if she was surely ready to fight this...thing that had hurt him so badly. "I..." He stammered a bit before shutting up as he saw how she attempted to rest. He supposed that he should stay awake and guard her den, just in case someone or something would come by. By the time morning hit, Marcus was a mess of exhaustion, his eyes drooping constantly from lack of sleep, he kept forcing himself to stay away by nipping himself every time he felt on the verge of sleeping. His fur help patches of red accompanying his larger already healed wound, he owed it to this fox though, to at least keep her safe and protected through the night. He glanced back at her, his eyes reddened from being sleep deprived. He faintly picked up the scent of a nearby bull elk, it was probably a bad idea to try hunting in his condition, but who knew how she was living. He weakly picked himself up and left the den, albeit hesitantly, he kept a slow and steady walking pace as he tracked his prey. His ears twitched to the sounds of quickening hooves, something spooked the elk, it didn't matter though, it was his. With a slight groan of pain he forced himself to break into a sprint, quickly closing in on the elk's pursuer, a mountain lion, a low growl escaped the wolf, he wasn't about to let that stop him. Marcus' massive paw swiped across the body of the big cat, bowling it over, quickly he pounced it, his claws paws pressing onto the cat's skull until a series of crushing sounds came from the predator, bring his paw from the gore he began to run once more, getting sight of the elk's hind. His strides became longer before bounding, his massive jaws locking around the elk's leg, bringing it to the ground. Soon after his jaws were around the struggling and very large male elk, crushing its throat and killing it quickly, after a while of dragging, he finally made to the den. Successfully pulling the kill closest to her and lying down beside her, clearly tired.