Alright, everything but your Quality/Weaknesses are good. Te Unique Qualities are supposed to be something beneficial to you, something that could also be deemed dangerous by the public/governemnt (one reason they built the facility- to protect the population and to make them unfearful of the freaks), this seems like a Weak quality but the Weak qualities are atleast beneficial in some way, but not as beneficial as Medium/OP. Your quality seemingly turns you into a corpse, and only when your sleeping. And you have one medium and one weak weakness. The reason one of them is Medium is becuase having a weakness that day-by-day makes you go insane is a medium weakness. The other is alright as a Weak weakness. TL;DR- You have a quality that is almost completely useless, a weak-ish weakness and a medium weakness. You'll need to make some edits, but until you do that, [i]denied[/i]