The speakers turned on again. "Interaction period ended. All prisoners are to report to the Cafetorium, effective immediately." said the old but clear voice from the speakers. None of the prisoners know whom the man is, nor will they for quite some time. (only hint I'm giving is that he's important). The handcuffs on the prisoners would now retract back to how they were before and a guard would go to each of the prisoners to take them back inside. The guards would take them along the halls to the back of the building, where the Cafetorium is. There would be a kitchen at the edge of the Cafetorium, and the guards would make them go infrtont of the kitchen where a counter would be standing filled with indivisual plates with half of a warm loaf of bread, 4 plates with 12 slices of steak on each plate, 6 apples, bananas, and pears and 1 slice of watermelon, 6 Brocilli, Brussel Sprouts, Celery, and Tomatoes, and a Canteen of Water and a Canteen on Milk for each of them. (Each prisoners would have to take 6 slices of steak, 3 fruits/1 slice of watermelon, 3 vegetables, 1 Canteen of Water and 1 Canteen of Milk. You don't have to type all that, but I just wanted to point this out for no reason wahtsoever and for other purposes. The prisoners didn't have to take everything, but they had to eat something). The Handcuffs would be loose again so that they could choose and eat their food. They would take their food and the guards would designate them to a seat. They would then be watched by the guards and, unless someone did something irrational, they would be let in peace to eat and chat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shishi detracted his extra limbs once the speaker came on, and his handcuffs retracted again. His new guard that was designated to watch over him led him inside, along with his inmates. The Hospital was suprisingly well kept. It had grey walls with a texture to them and floors that were also gray, but smoother, but still having a little texture. It felt more like a Prison ratehr than a Hospital, but better maintained than a Prison. He looked to the others as he walked, the Guard that had used brute force irrationaly was being taken to an elevator, leading to the top floor. He had a guard leading him there and a new guard was leading Yolanda. It was kind of obvious to him that the guard who had lashed out was being fired, good for Yolanda. It seemed that most of the guards and the Hospital itself weren't entirely cruel. He made a mental note of that and continued walking down the hall until they reached the Cafetorium. The room had the same wals as the rest but painted white, but the tiling on the ground was squared and much more smooth. He was a Vegetarian, and so he didn't take any of the Meat, but he took the bread, a banana and two apples, a tomatoe and two celery, a canteen of water and a canteen of milk. The guard that led him in the Kitchen put him at a table in the front, and he began eating. He was quite starving, the drive from his home was very long, and so he was eating fairly quickly.