Alright! Tech descriptions are up, a bunch of faith purchasables available in Satan's Emporium of Sinful Succulence under "Religion" on the first post. Those are just the beginning - what I will try to do as I add more as time goes by is to further develop theme synergy and religion vs. religion competition for conversion of all races. Think about them for now, but hold down your final decisions on what to get until we start IC and grab them then because I may be adding more in the meantime. Everyone's app have been looked over and look great! Balena Rex, you still need to submit your tech selection. Everyone else who mentioned custom techs, I will PM you directly about it. Vern, let me know when you add your story and you are set. [quote=duck55223] QuestionWould it be possible through technology and or other things to boost your affinity points and research point output, military production, and theologian output? [/quote] No, because that would encourage people to pick techs because of material benefit rather than for RP development purposes.