Akito glances up for a moment to see the prince smiling before his looks back to his food. [i]'I would find my actions kind of endearing if it wasn't for the fact that I would have defended the craft no matter who it was that was being talked down upon. I never knew there were people out there who were so close minded on the subject of the magical arts. . .Well, that's not true. . .'[/i] Several soldiers who'd never met magic users on the battlefield, or those who only saw it as a weapon and nothing more. They had always confounded Aki, and now knowing the emperor himself may very well be one of those men the young soldier can feel his agitation grow. However as the silence stretches on, another thing he will have to get use to since in his old life there were almost always at least some voices present even if they were distant, Akito can feel his calm returning. He watches Hoko eat with a calm smile, petting the beasts soft back when it shifts to grab more food. When the empress turns and poses her question he freezes for a second before actually trying to figure out how to answer. He has his favorite colors of course, but would any of them actually suit a wedding? However before he can even reply the royal family seems to have a very tame is heart felt argument. Hoko joins him in watching the flow of conversation, though the beast for different reasons than the human. The little critter has been around humans all his life and he recognizes when there is the potential for a fight that he will either have to be in, or flee from. Akito on the other hand is simply lost for the most part, trying to make sense of what they are ll talking about. Until it clocks. His eyes return to his food and he eats slowly, realizing that this is none of his business. [i]'All of this may have thrown me, but I am willing to go through with it, without question, because it is what I know is right for the kingdom. . . .At least, that is what has always worked, so I trust in that. I may not be the right choice in my own head, but. . .'[/i] It isn't until Hiro practically storms out that the soldier looks back up, watching his betrothed leave. Hoko slithers back under his obi, full tot he brim with food and now intent on a nice long sleep. The empress lets out a small disappointed noise and is about to bring up the idea of colors again however she pauses as Akito rises to his feet. “Just let him be lad. He gets like this sometimes. You'll get use to it.” The emperor says dismissively, tucking into his food again. Akito simply nods vaguely and wanders down the table until he's standing across from his father. “Captain, may I speak with you?” The general, who'd overheard everything of course, nods and stands. The two bow to the royals and wait to be excused. The emperor looks like he wants to say something, but at a look from his wife he motions for them to go. Once the two are out of the room the emperor lets out a long sigh, his wife stroking his arm gently. “It's okay dear, I'm sure the boy just has something important to talk about that's for family only.” “We are going to be family soon!” He replies, watching the corner they vanished around. “He hardly knows us dear. Give him some time. You already have more in common that he and Hiro. . .” The emperor interrupts here there. “And another thing, I though he was over all that foolishness! And bringing it up with Moronaga right here.” He goes on to rant for several long minutes while his wife dutifully pats his arm and offers her opinion when and where she can. She does not fully agree with him, and says so, but in the end she knows he's just blowing off steam. ~*~*~*~*~ The two men walk slowly down the hallways, their passage only marked by a low murmur coming from the smaller one and a few short glances from the servants they pass. Quietly, in a voice only his father can hear, Akito pours out his thoughts, feelings, and tells the man everything that has happened in the short times they've not seen each other, both in the morning, and the time just before lunch. The general listens silently, keeping his eyes on the floor as he takes it all in, letting his mind conjure the images of the encounters to his head. [i]'He grew up in such a way that any time he's not surrounded by his comrades he has to be on high alert least someone try and kill him. He has no one to protect him here, though eventually I suppose that would be his husband's place. As a magic user, perhaps he can teach the boy to use it for more than pretty light shows, but for now, I understand. . .I at least [b]had[/b] a childhood. One away from war and combat. . .'[/i] He lets out a soft sigh as Akito finishes his tale, glancing over at his adopted son with a sad kind of look. Carefully he reaches out and takes hold of Akito's shoulder, stopping him. The boy is tense, his body tuned up like an over wound spring. Just standing still seems too much for him as he trembles slightly. Before he can flee however the sound of metal on wood fills his ears and draws his attention away from his own internal turmoil. Without a though his own sword is clear of it's scabbard and the two men fall into a fighting stance. From down the hall a servant spots the scene, racing forward to ask them to take it to the training ground but after only a few steps he pauses. Their movements are slow, smooth, almost like a dance, and every time it looks like the blades are about to touch the stop, barely a millimeter apart. This old practice has long been used as a morning routine for most of the unit and Akito has never missed a session, except, of course, this morning. The familiarity washes through him, relaxing his body, and for the first time today he feels at home surrounded by all the decadence and high class finery. When at last they come to a stop, the captain taking the practice victory, both blades clock back onto their sheathes and the two share a moment of complete silence. As soon as the moment passes the captain turns to the servant and offers a slight bow. “Sorry if we disturbed anyone.” Captain Kaura murmurs softly, earning a squeak and a vigorous head shake from the servant who returns the bow and races off to continue her duties. As the servant vanishes from sight and the general straightens up he smiles warmly as Aki takes hold of him from behind, his face buried against his foster father's back. Ever since he was little, Akito was never one for directed affection, almost going catatonic whenever anyone hugged him directly, a look of terror in the back of his eyes. Kaura figures it has something to do with the death of his parents but has never had the heart to ask, or even try and break him from it. He simply lets Akito take the comfort he needs and doesn't press for more. [i]'I must talk to the prince about this however. He came close when they left the forest, but apparently it was off to the side enough not to lock him up'[/i] When at last Akito lets go his father turns around, taking his shoulders in his hands and giving them a nice squeeze before letting them go and motioning them to continue. As the youth falls into step beside the taller male he murmurs, “I don't know what to do about the overreactions though. I mean, it's how I've always been, you know? Even more than the rest of the guys. . .” The general nods. “I know. It's what made you great at your job actually. But you've been able to control it before. Remember that family with the small child that kept grabbing at Hoko's tail while you were trying to check for raiders out the window?” Aki nods, he remembers. He also remembers, being terrified each and every time and only being able to stop at the sight of those wide, bright, wondering eyes looking up at him so intently. [i]'Maybe I had a younger sibling after all. . .It felt a little familiar. . .'[/i] Letting out a long hiss of breath he looks down the hall. “So I just need to imagine the man I am to marry as a wide eyed snot nosed little runt. . . .That should do wonders for our budding relationship. . .” The general laughs aloud, quieting quickly as the sound begins echoing through the halls and drawing a few curious eyes. Aki manages a smile smile at his father's mirth but as Kaura pats him on the back, rubbing it gently he hangs his head in utter defeat.