[quote=PokimKyOshi] Yume fliched and looked up to see two pairs of wide eyes and smile. The ghastly voice came along with the most horrifying look has ever seen. After a short while, it completely left their sight, but failed to leave the girl's mind.Even if the presence of the spirits is no longer present among them, Yume sat still with wide eyes, unable to move from the terror she just came in contact with. She forgot about her bleeding leg and her partner who came in assistance. She did not reply to any of his remarks but sat still, eyes open wide and mouth slightly open, blacked out with strange images flowing inside her head.Yume gave a big gasp and shook her head to come back into her senses. She saw herself being carried by Kiku on his back. She bent over to see her leg being bandaged by a handkerchief. She whispered in a weak voice.Yume looked ahead and saw an open room. When they arrived there, she got of Kiku's back and did her best to walk slowly. Yume looked around, but the same old things were there; desks, chairs and holes.But something else stood out at the corner of the room.Ah. Another corpse.The corpse sat on a chair, facing the corner of the wall. From the looks it it, it was a female high school student from a different school.Seeming this made Yume's head ache.She turned away from the corpse and sat down on a chair, rubbing her head along with gently caressing her leg. She thought of the pictures that flashed in her mind when she blacked out and considered of sharing it with Kiku. Who were those children?And told him the strange tale.Suddenly, loud but slow patting of footsteps could be heard outside the door of the room. A dark atmosphere suddenly surrounded them. Yume wanted to stand up and get closer to Kiku, but the pain in her leg was still present. As the footsteps grew louder and closer, the girl's eyes wider and wider as she reached out to Kiku once again. [/quote] The doors swung open... [img=http://lparchive.org/Corpse-Party-Book-of-Shadows/Update%2015/47-SS15_39.png] ...to reveal three children surrounded in a bluish hue (ignore Sachiko :P). What was even worse was they all appeared to have been mortified in some way or another. The first, a young boy, presumably less than ten years old, had his mouth agape. Although one may miss it at first glance, upon closer inspection the boy appeared to be missing his tongue! That would explain why there was blood trailing down his chin from his mouth...well, it was hard to tell, though with everything Jinta and Jun had seen on their way here, it probably wouldn't be surprising... The second was a young girl, perhaps around the age of 11 or 12. Where her left eye once was is now replaced with a gaping, black hole, dripping with blood. A trait that all three children shared was the blood-stained clothing they wore, yet this one's seemed to be far less covered. Also, her eyes didn't shine with malicious intent like the other two, but rather...she seemed fearful? However, the last child was the worst of all. She was younger than the first and more heavily mortified than the second. She appeared to be about five years old, and...where her mouth was...it had been cut all the way around, leaving the child with nothing above the jawline. Yet, above the jawline, a faint glow with what one could only assume was the outline of her head still remained, though it was practically invisible due to the dim light and faintness of the glow. As with the other two, she brandished a pair of scissors in her hands, which snipped menacingly. "Hehehehehe!" The middle girl giggled, smiling at the two. A forced smile, though. She wasn't happy at all. "I'm going to kill you!" She giggled, though one could swear at the end, they could hear a faint "help me..." trail off, as though it were said by a distant voice...