[img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/firefly_zps213f11ff.gif] Randold shook his head, the boy was an odd one for sure, and while he couldn't quite figure it out he found the boy to be unsettling. Its nothing to do with his demeanor in fact Tyaelaem so far has been quite friendly after initial contact, still Randold couldn't bring himself to trust him fully. Could a simple case of paranoia, maybe after some down time the effects of being lost were starting to kick in. Randold shifted as he sat grimacing at the pain that pain shot up from his leg, it was distracting while he was obviously hearing the conversation between the others none of the words registered. [quote=Tyaelaem] "You shouldn't walk yet, but you stay here and drink lots of healing water and you'll be just fine in a bit. Come find us then. Be careful with this thingy, if it breaks it oozes everywhere." [/quote] Randold snapped back to attention when Tyaelaem knelt beside him, he vaguely listened to the boy's words only then to feel the light berry pressed into his hand. When the boy bounded away Randold turned to the water, magic or not a drink sounded good then. Randold took a sip of the water, instantly feeling re-energized the pain in his leg still remained but not nearly bad as before, Randold took another dip into the water this time a long deep drink. After a few moments he felt clear headed again able to focus on the situation. Seemed the group was in agreement to move on, although without him coming along only to catch up later as Randold recalled Tyaelaem's words. This just seemed to be a bad idea to separate for any reason, Randold stoop up leaving the others alone with the boy wasn't an option. He was able to walk well enough admittedly a limp was present, in the back of his mind a voice told him it was too early to move, injuring his leg anymore could cause permanent damage, but Randold discarded the thought. Randold spoke up, "I think it is a bad idea for me stay behind, its best to stay together. The water has helped I believe I can manage just fine, besides it would be better to use the light source so that everyone can see." Randold held the light berry high in the air.