Dark Link grinned as he awakened, he had just finished forming, a new body perfectly molded to the current hero's skill set, he would have another chance and this time he would kill Link and take the master sword, for if he could claim it he could corrupt the blade and then he could have his reward, the right to be human. Groaning as slowly got up, where had he formed? Looking around he grimaced, the middle of the desert, his ally liked this place, but him? Well he had been told it was hot yet he could not feel the sun beating down upon his skin nor heat of his body draped in solid black and chain-mail. He still hated it, to much light sighing he dusted off his tunic and began the trek towards the castle he knew exactly where he needed to be, at Ganondorf's castle and with no shadows he couldn't just shadow step between here and the castle so a walk it would be. Hours past as the unfeeling entity walked on stopping when he stopped the castle he ignored the guards walking towards the castle, when they attack he drew his shield and blade parrying and striking them down without killing them, no need to anger the master. He stopped at the gate and waited if Ganondorf was near, he would soon be out directly to see of the ruckus he had caused.