"Yeah yeah, laugh it up." But Travis's grumbles were good natured, and he bent his head to give Ryan more room. "We got called out to a domestic disturbance, some deal about a wife finding her husband with some younger thing. The side piece got out okay, but the husband got so worked up his heart was spasming and she was hitting him. So we get called out with the cops, wife finds out she can't press charges without getting locked up herself, so she goes at him with the frying pan. Unfortunately, my head was between her and him." The pressure on the wound stung, and he winced a little as the gash was cleaned. He hated head wounds, mostly because they over-bled every time. Still, if he had to have someone look at it, it was nice for it to be a doctor. He liked nurses just fine- they were incredibly useful for intakes and they kept candy at their station- but if he was going to get slammed over the back of the head, it was nice for it to be a doctor who looked him over. "Stitches? Are you going to have to shave my hair?" His tone was appalled. "Jeez, Doc, how am I ever gonna snag a guy with a bald spot?" If his head wasn't really starting to pound, Travis might have caught the little slip. He wasn't over eager about blurting out his sexual preference- it made some of the older fire fighters uncomfortable-, but he wasn't ashamed of it, not really. Still, hospital, public space. It was usually the kind of thing he avoided. But the concern-and the concussion- were enough to drive the worries from his mind.