While Kerri went to remember the spell to clean up she heard Drake ask the girls if they had any questions. At first it seemed quite like they were not sure what to ask though one stuck at like a sore thumb and of course it was the black sheep of the group. The spell came to mind but she waited to see what the girls would ask next before casting it so they could see it was a gift of sorts. Krissy: "So I or we can't use it to grant personal gains in anything, what happens if we do? Do our powers go for a while or go all together? Is there a karma like effect?" The other three girls looked at Krissy as they kind of knew she would bring this point up, in some ways Krissy was partly selfish though why they did not know. The fact she seemed a bit dismissive of it already from what they heard from the tone of voice alone. Krissy kept her eyes on Drake though time to time look at her mother wondering what else they had hid from the sisters since birth. A darker question soon came to mind, one the other sister would not dare ask but Krissy was different to them. The question and thoughts of that question rolled around in her head for a while, how would her mother and Drake answer it. The subject was a sore one and a very emotional one as well, the dark haired vixen soon looked over to her sisters for a moment before locking eyes with Drake once more though the question was open to both of them. Krissy: "So you are telling me I and my sisters have powers, you have powers and Drake has powers, does that mean dad had powers? If so is that what killed him or was it because he was hunted by what you say are demons because he has powers? If he was downed by a evil creature what were you doing to protect him?" The question could of gone on and it rather shocked the sisters that she asked such a question but out of all of them Krissy was the one to do it. Though it was a hard thing to hear they wondered if there father was magical and if he was killed by a demon or something of that nature. Kat felt rather uncomfortable by it and was silent upon hearing the question, a question she had had faded from mind and the thought of father came flooding back. Kerri felt a little hurt at what Krissy was implying but in many ways they deserved to know about what happened to him. Karen always thought it was something normal though she did not give up hope it was something natural then supernatural. Kerri would have to answer them later and do it one at a time because she felt it would be easier for them then doing it as a group. Kerri: "I will tell you girls later, if you have any other questions I will show you a another spell." Kerri feared Krissy's emotions more then the others, Krissy had been distant as she grew up, she loved her father but something divided her from the rest. Karen by this point had finally spoken up. Karen: "If your a teacher does that mean you will be teaching us or will it be split between mum and you? Also is that why you have no aged a day since I first met you, does being a WhiteLighter stop the process? I guess my other question would be how did you meet my parents, did you meet like normal people or did you get a order by the elders as you have mentioned?"