Felice quietly stood and left the cafeteria as soon as the announcement was given. He didn't exactly have much reason to delay, anyway. He had an agreement to honor. As he allowed the guard to escort him to the gym once more, his scowl deepened at the thought of what he would probably have to do. He hated his power, but not because he couldn't use it well. He thought that he had a pretty good grasp on it, but exactly how he was able to figure out how to use it was what bothered him. This ability...it felt like another taunt. Just another reminder of exactly why he was there. Stepping into the gym, he noticed that the dark girl from before was back again. Good to know that she hadn't been offed. The quiet boy seemed to be ready to go as well as he entered with him. Well, at least someone was excited. The slightly short boy stood a bit off to the side, not quite close to the wall, but not near the center either. It just seemed inappropriate to do so at that moment.