[center][img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/M_zps3c47da98.gif][/center] [quote=Simon]Simon took a deep breathe and said the following "Yurei I'm not going to lie to you even a little bit, there is a boy sitting underneath of a table with a bloody object, with blood dripping off the table, also i seen a glimpse of blue light."[/quote] Yurei was quiet for a moment while she processed this information. "WHAT?!" she screeched. "And what did you [i]do[/i] about it? Simon was your name? [i]Simon?![/i]" She pointed at the door that Simon had just closed. "How can you stand there and tell me as calmly as could be that there's a [i]murderer[/i] in my house? What do you suppose [i]I'm[/i] going to do about it? I'm [i]blind[/i], you little sociopath! What am I supposed to do? This has never happened before! [i]He's in my HOUSE.[/i]" She raved and swung her arms in the air and if there had been any other light to see by, it would be evident that she was getting blue in the face. Her screeching echoed in the forest. "You get back in there and you don't come out until my house is safe! I don't care what you do! But [i]DO SOMETHING.[/i]" She flung open the door with a BANG and pointed inside with a rigid arm and a furious expression.