Tyler had found the closest chair and sat in it. In a matter of minutes he had fallen asleep, but as he slept... he changed. The plastic of his costume became real metal, and the flesh underneath? It had been transformed into circuits and wiring. While the appearance of his head remained mostly unchanged, the eye piece of his helmet seemed to become attached to his head. His legs became stronger, strong enough to jump 25 feet high. And his buster had became a real weapon, one that could be changed in the future. Tyler's new robotic body jumped out of his sleep mode when he heard an explosion. He had leaped out of the chair and landed on his feet, his buster aimed forward on impulse. But he did not feel that impulse before. It did not take long for him to notice the changes. He felt very different. He no longer felt heat, he could no longer feel plastic on his body, and his vision was as clear as if he was not wearing his helmet. "Wah... What's going on?" He whispered to himself as he looked at his hand. He then reached for his head and pulled off his helmet, the sunglasses were still over his eyes. The sunglasses WERE his eyes. "Ok... this is creeping me out!" He almost shouted.