[center][b]Day 1[/b][/center] Aw, looks like Julie had fallen asleep while playing Bayonetta, the Wii U GamePad pushed aside as the girl had curled up on the floor to fall asleep. To the others, it seemed that there were certain changes that occurred with Julie. Even if she were curled up on the floor, it appeared as if she had grown a bit taller, like an abnormal growth spurt. The same could be said about her other body features, such as a much more slender and curvy figure than the average body that she once had. The raven black pixie cut wig would had seemed odd if it were still a wig since she had slept on it, but instead, it didn't, and had also somehow molded itself around her scalp. The golden antique prop that was worn on top of her chest was not plastic anymore, but real gold and the red prop in the middle was almost like a real crystal: in this case it should be the Left Eye of the World...but at least it wasn't all that real yet...right? The biggest thing that was different was that her clothing in general would appear and feel like real leather...and the catch was that it shouldn't come off... Hearing a bit of commotion in the room, Julie groggily woke up...yawning briefly before sitting up. "...can you guys shut up?....some people here...are trying to get some shut eye..." she spoke in an annoyed voice and...unintentionally used a genuine British accent. It didn't take long for her to notice that, and she was a bit creeped out by that little feature. In all of her attempts, she [i]couldn't[/i] nail that accent at all, and all of a sudden, she was speaking in that accent as if it were a lifelong trait of hers. Now wide awake from that moment of surprise, she was able to clearly see that something was off here. Especially with the others that were awake...she couldn't tell that well, but it was certain that the cosplays really looked too real to be cosplays. Wait, maybe this is some odd day-dream and she could just take off the cosplay she wore to end it all. Sounds good enough to her! Julie first tried to take the wig off...but all she felt was yanking of her own hair. Her hair... She let the sink in her head for a bit, and then she tried the clothes next, but same result with her hair as it felt like she was trying to rip herself apart. That was when she realized that Bayonetta's clothing couldn't be taken off by normal means, and that was because her clothing was made by the magical conduit that was her hair. "...this isn't real...it's all a dream...it has to be..." Julie started to panic, trying to convince herself that it was all a dream and that it's a result from staying up too late. However, she had a hard time trying to use her own accent, forcing herself to avoid the British accent she had now. There was NO way she was becoming Bayonetta, and that the others shouldn't become like their cosplays too. Glancing at the ones that were awake at the time (Gio, Gwen, & Tyler), she urged with a shaky voice,"P-Please tell me this is all a dream...this can't be happening...right?" Her voice cracked a bit at the last word of her sentence, and it was unnoticeable to her that her panicking voice was a bit too loud that it would wake up the others.