Ceres saw that as a real challenge, so she wasn't about to go easy on her new captain. She was easily able to keep up with Octavius' pace, finding that it actually still gave her a bit of a breather every now and then. Most had already passed out at 10, the last ones remaining being two sailors, Ace, Ceres, and Octavius. Though only two remained when they hit 13. Ace hadn't passed out though. He'd just drunkenly uttered "Dazzit fer me... Imma tek a nap." and closed his eyes. Ceres smirked, looking at Octavius as she filled her 14th mug. She was definitely at least tipsy, or maybe drunk. Though it was hard to tell. "Y'now, I 'ad a nichname on me previousz ship. Bar Demon dey called me. I once won a drinkin' contesst by bein' able te sztand affer twenny o' dese~" She grinned wickedly, gulping her entire mug down in 5 seconds flat, and immediately moving to refill again. "Dere's no shame in losin' ta me y'now~" Everyone was passed out already, so they wouldn't see their captain being beaten like this. But when drunk, Ceres liked messing with people, and her sense of humour could be a pain in the ass for others.