Heh, I understood that reference. As long as that title says "Always Open" we will remain "always open" unless stated otherwise at the top of the OP, which it is not. Therefore yes, we are open. I am Jazzy, MrAllenJ's longtime bro and his Co-GM (he's my bitch, ily Allen). I'm happy to answer any questions and work with you on whatever if you have any trouble. It might be hard to introduce a new character, but with the third act opening and people gathering in one place the stars are aligning nicely for you to jump in if you can think of a way to get in. I know I can of a few. Sonce you're an old dog learning new tricks, I recommend taking a look especially at posts that ARE NOT collab posts for what we like to see. Three, maybe four paragraphs or so if it's just you. Nothing huge. If you see one huge monster post it's either Allen starting act one or two or a collab post. We dont expect you to have a post of that length, but we wont complain if you do! I look forward to seeing your sheet. Hopefully it tickles our willies. You'll see on the last page or so the montage of silliness I've posted. We're pretty relaxed guys overall unless you're an asshat and make 'death manipulation' or something (it's like wine and dine, dont turn off your date, son).