[img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/299/c/6/silver_bells_by_shooterk-d6rqcnl.jpg[/img] Name: Lee Allace Species: Rewan Age: 21 Weapons/Possessions: -An old Yak named Vinnie pulling a wooden wagon. -A big wooden chest full of clothing, blankets, food, and other must for journeying. -A pouch of gold coins and gems. -Bow and arrows - one long very sharp dagger Skills/Abilities: No magic abilities -- Let Gods Lie Biography: Lee is a seventeen-year-old girl from Hefil, an isolated village located in the frigid glaciers of Xew, who has never been allowed to work with the rest of the villagers in the quarry, that keeps the community alive. As a child, her father forbade her from setting foot in the quarries where the villagers work daily, and the only reason he ever gave her was "You art to obey your father, no mer questions my gal". As a result, she felt unwanted and assumed it was her small stature, and weak body that prevented her from being useful to her community. She felt this way throughout her whole childhood, even thought her older sister had explained to her many times that their father just want to protect her and keep her safe, like he was unable to do with there late mother, who died in an avalanche accident cased by the great lightning storm fifteen years ago. The Quarry workers, which are make up most of the population of the villagers, cut ice, marble, and other precious stones, which they sold to the outside traders that came at the beginning of every spring season. She felt like an outcast in the community and cut off from the culture focused around a shared working life in the quarry, up until her sixteenth birthday, when she saved two of the village children from the falling icy rock slide. As the quarry could barely cut enough stone to feed the villagers, Lee kept on trying to help in her own way. In spite of her feelings of isolation, she found that the outside traders had been cheating the village of there well earned supplies and money for the exchange of stone. The Stone from there mountains and glaciers was only found in their region, and the Rewan people were the only masters of cutting and digging it out of the earth, as they had done for centuries. The stone being in high demand to the outside world, the traders sold it for much much higher prices then what they bought it from the Rewan for. She became an adviser to the Village Leaders, finally making her feel need and necessary. Lee is very close to her father and her older sister, Glenda, and she shares a close friendship with a crippled boy named Eskel. For as long as she can remember, Lee has dreamed of working alongside the other villagers in the quarries of her beloved ice lands, but having now found a place for herself she is happy. The village Elders have sent her as an Rowen ambassador to the up and coming Ball. This being her first time outside her village she is naive to the ways of the rest of the world.