"I am here to serve... Master Ganondorf, I am the champion of Darkness sent you to help purge you of the Hero... I am his copy, matched perfectly in strength and ability, yours to command." He bowed sheathing his sword and shield. He saw the man arrayed before him, he looked ready to fight yet the shadow knew if he had been given free will he would strike him down and proceed forth without this arrogant King, yet he had not, the force of his creation had not given him free, only free thought so that he might stand against the Hero's sharp mind and adapt his skills to challenges. "I am Dark Link, I was forged by darkness by a power beyond you or I, equaled only by the goddesses, my purpose is to ensure the death of the hero and your rise to power. I am your weapon, I am your shadow you have but to ask and I shall obey." He spoke his speech as he had many times before.