Name: Sonja Kirsch Age: 18 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Not quite as used to people as he is to books, he tends to be a bit awkward when it comes to interaction. Though normally polite, he can easily turn into a sort of comedy duo 'straight man' when things get to be a bit much for him to handle and may come off as a bit sarcastic at times. He tends to be very loyal to those who he considers friends and will often do whatever he can for people that he actually manages to feel close to. He also really enjoys working with plants for some reason, and is pretty good with them. Bio: Born to a fairly well-off family, Sonja often worked hard to please his parents, though they were often quite busy and he couldn't spend much time with them. Without their company, he turned to books to fill his time and spent his days studying and working in the family garden. Even though he didn't see his parents very much, it still hit him pretty hard when he found out that they were gone. Before the moon turned purple, Sonja was also a college student studying in linguistics. The current crisis has him convinced that he probably will not be missed much at school, though.