[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/jE5wC81.png[/IMG][/center] [Hider=Valentina's Looks][center][b]Appearance: [u]Regular Look[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/WlHqMRL.png[/IMG] [u]Supernatural Look[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/euq9olg.jpg[/IMG][/b][/center][/hider] [b][center]Name: Valentina Marissa Gallo Age: 17 Year: Junior Supernatural: Valentina mother's family are the last known surviving descendants of the Greek Legend Medusa. The last Gorgons if you know the Greek story. Valentina's powers are not as strong as Medusa's were, but they're pretty close. Valentina can only for right now turn inanimate objects into stone. She doesn't have the power or knowledge to turn live things to stone. The closes she ever came to turning someone into stone was when she got super angry and turned into a full blown Medusa replica (you'll learn more about that in the bio). Now she knows that when she gets angry she turns into a Gorgon, she needs to learn how to control it from happening; before something super bad happens to her or to someone else. Personality: Valentina is a fun social girl, she likes to go to parties and meet new people. Valentina is also known to have a mean streak at times, she can get angry quick which is not good. She started going to Anger Management classes and she kind of has it under control. Valentina stands up for what she believes in and she will never stand down for anything or anyone. She tends to be loyal to the wrong people most times. Valentina gets over guys as quick as she falls for them. Valentina is a passionate person one would say that she's so passionate she can get a little bit crazy (not to her face of course). Valentina is not a mean girl or anything like that, she just doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. If she really feels like not doing something she won't do it. Valentina is known to stick up for people who don't stick up for themselves; they call her the Bully Destroyer. Bio: Valentina Marissa Gallo was born on February 14th, 1955 (Hence her first name Valentina/Valentine's Day creative right?) She was born to two loving Greek ethnicity parents. Her father Alexander Giorgione Gallo was a car mechanic he made good money, enough for his family to live well on. Her mother Chloe Dianna Gallo (Maiden last name Markos.), a nurse was a kind hearted woman she was known to feed the homeless on her walks to work. Valentina had a good life, she was an only child so she got whatever she wanted. Her parents did spoil her but they taught her that everything doesn't come for free, that you have to work for what you want. Valentina was just like her mother, when her friends came over and they didn't have the latest dolls or toys Valentina would let them have hers. Valentina was never a stingy girl she knew better. When Valentina started High School (before she was transferred) it went good for her first year. Then sophomore year everything changed, she started to "grow" out, she was becoming a woman her mother told her. In school the girls started to treat her different they were jealous that all the boys flipped out when they saw Valentina. The girls would call her names and spread rumors around about her. At first she let it go, remembering that her idol the late great Marilyn Monroe was hated by women who couldn't look like her. It wasn't her fought she was born beautiful and they weren't. The day that would change Valentina's life forever was her last school day, everything went good until two girls started to push Valentina around. They were the same two girls that had spread the rumors about Valentina. They pulled at her hair and punched her. Like kids everyone just watched as Valentina was fighting with two girls. She was getting hits in, but it was two against one. Valentina was about to just crawl into a ball and wait for it to be over, but then one of the girls said [i]"I bet your mother is a SLUT just like you!"[/i] That was a big no no, you could talk about Valentina all you want but don't talk about her family. The last thing Valentina remembers is a green light coming...from HER eyes? The two girls and the other kids ran in fear, of the snake haired monster that stood where Valentina once stood. Valentina didn't know what was happening she ran home crying the whole time, her tears like acid hit the pavement and melted the cement. Once Valentina got back home, she had turned back to normal (thank God). She told her parents about what happened, not caring if they didn't believe the whole snake beast thing. Her parents look at each other and then her mother stood up. Valentina's mother went in the backroom, once she came back she had an old looking blood red colored book. Her mother told her about the Greek myths and how they were real and how she was a descendant of the most infamous Greek Legend Medusa. Valentina didn't understand at first she thought the stories were all myths that her parents told her as bedtime stories. Her mother told her about how the women on her side of the family were part Gorgon, female snake haired creatures. No one has had any powers of Medusa's since her Great Great Great Grandmother. Her mother Valentina told her she was special and that she had great power, and she needed to keep it a secret and never tell anyone about it. Valentina's father was a descendant of Guardians that were human but could get creatures like Gorgons or Harpies pregnant. Thanks to her father's genes Valentina looks like a normal human, but when she gets angry she turns into a Gorgon. Valentina's parents knowing that regular school would never work for Valentina now, moved closer to Northwood Academy. Thanks to Valentina's mother's connection to Madame Géroux she was transferred to the school. Valentina doesn't know that the school has other magical or supernatural teens, she just thinks it's a new fresh start for her and her family. Maybe this school would keep Valentina calm and she won't turn anything to stone hopefully. How you came to the school: Valentina's mother knew Madame Géroux from a long time ago, she asked her to transfer Valentina in the school. Maybe a change would help Valentina control her anger, somewhere that people rarely cared to annoy people for no good reason. Preferred Dorm: Haunted Dorsey Hall xD. [/b][/center]