[b]Connor - Outskirts of New Orleans - Nathan[/b] The flashbacks were beginning to come back. Dad turning into a lurker, Thomas being bitten, mom getting gunned down by the soldiers. These flashbacks were becoming more and more frequent, and they were difficult to ignore. [i]Ok, Connor. Focus.[i/i] Connor had been stalking the man for about an hour, and was beginning to grow bored. Suddenly, he witnessed a lurker's head get knocked clean off of its neck. With his attention quickly grabbed, he watched the man sit down and rest. As he stood up, Connor decided to make his move. With his revolver in hand, he stood up from behind the wrecked car. "Lovely afternoon, isn't it?" --- [b]Nathan - Outskirts of New Orleans - Connor[/b] Nathan nearly had a heart attack when the kid spoke. He immediatly drew his shotgun, and pointed it at whoever spoke. [i]Damn... It's just a kid[/i]. The boy made no effort to hide the revolver in his hand, and appeared to want Nathan to notice it. After realizing that the boy meant no harm, Nathan lowered the shotgun. Suddenly, the kid raised the revolver and fired. However, Nathan was not his target. "I ain't done nothing to you!" Nathan yelled, as he jumped behind a crate, not noticing the freshly killed creature behind him.