Delilah raised an eyebrow as the one who introduced himself as [i]Nightwing[/i] flew away, leaving her with as little information as possible. "A warehouse in Gotham..." she repeated as he flew away. She slid the key into the ignition of her bike before she shook her head, "Because there's not a [i]thousand[/i] warehouses in Gotham..." she said to herself as she put her leg over the seat, mounting the bike as her heel kicked down on the gear pedal as she pulled in the clutch, moving into first gear. She rev'd the bike a few times before she put on her helmet, taking off down the street a minute latter as she thought deeply on the vague proposition given from Nightwing. [i]"Could be worth it the effort"[/i] she thought to herself as she skidded around a corner, sliding into third gear as she headed home for now.