[quote=Rarity] I only have one person left at the farmhouse. Everyone is clear to RP whatever they want there and I will stick her in now and again, where she fits. Just label your posts so we know what is going on. Like put in the top "Farmhouse [Character's name]" or "Fuel Run [Character's Name]" <----------------- That is just an example of how to label your post, do it in your style <3FaithsRose. Don't worry about it! I of all people understand. ;) [/quote] Thanks ^^ Once we've done the Cat/Mercy interaction thing can go find her or something if you like? ^^ And thank you very much for understanding! ^^ I really appreciate that :) I should hopefully be less busy after the 1st of December ^^ (Hopefully!) Posted! Sorry its a little 'meh' its the best I could come up with right now >.< Should be enough for a response ^^' Again sorry if it isn't :(