[hider=Captain Kavaris] [b]Name:[/b] Zaxei Kavaris [b]Age: [/b]25, Human Equivalent [b]Race: [/b]Etisa The people of the planet Metix are descended from birds. Despite standing at 2 meters tall, and having no wings, much to their dismay, they are a rather fragile species. They have several hollow bones in their body, and low muscle mass. Despite having hollow bones and low muscle mass, they are capable warriors, and almost all of them are natural pilots. They are also often sensitive to certain matters pertaining to their lineage. Such as, their wings. They have none, despite being an avian race. The Etisa are a warrior-race, their homeplanet was very mountainous and had few flatlands. They evolved on these flatlands, losing their wings as they didn’t need them anymore. Eventually, as their number grew, they were forced to live on more steep lands. Because of the sparse amount of flatland, wars over territory and accessible resources were very common. They only got to a Medieval age state of technology before being thrust into the galactic community. While normally the Alliance would wait until a race reaches basic FTL before contacting them, the Alliance was forced to step in when a Thresh armada began to invade Metix. The smaller Alliance fleet was only able to evacuate a couple thousand before being forced back. While most of the survivors are looking for a new colony to rebuild their race from, a great number of Etisa swore loyalty to the Alliance, to fight against the Thresh. Although only a few was accepted, the rest was told to ensure the survival of their race and culture. The fate of the rest of the Etisa people is unknown. [b]Rank: [/b]Captain [b]Skills: [/b] -Expert Pilot -Expert Gunner -Adept Swordsman -Master of yelling at things [b]Away Mission Equipment: [/b] -His sword [b]Appearance: [/b] [url=Appearance]http://i.gyazo.com/20e85e8cbee0706b0ff6428cdbc1b007.png[/url] [b]Quick-Bio: [/b] Zaxei was born on Metix. A world currently enslaved, by the Thresh Empire. Before the Thresh Empire destroyed the planet, the avian people there being roughly at a medieval age state of technology. When the Thresh landed on his planet in the skirmishes that occurred before the war, most Etisa thought that it was armageddon, that their gods had condemned them to death. Zaxei, being a much more grounded person and part of the army in his land, picked up his sword and began to fight, inspiring many more Etisa to do the same. He noted explosions in the night sky before Alliance security forces landed and began to evacuate them. It was at this moment he met the Captain of the Spirit of Water, and it was at this moment that Zaxei realized that his gods were not as benevolent to each other as he once thought. They had wars like his people did. And one god had sent their warriors down to save his people. Zaxei cooperated with the Alliance soldiers, and made it out as one of the few thousand who survived. Zaxei was quick to swear his loyalty to the Captain, being one of the first to do so. The Captain then told him that it wasn’t up to him, but instead it was up to a council of representatives in the Alliance. Understanding, Zaxei requested an audience with this council, which he got. After a small debate, Zaxei, along with a few others were allowed in. He attended the Academy, only taking the tactical and space-warfare courses at the Academy, intended to get that out of the way, then moving onto the other subjects. However, war broke out and the Captain of the Spirit of Water personally requested that Zaxei be on his ship. Needing more bodies on the front, the Alliance allowed this. During one of the opening battles of the war, the Spirit of Water took a heavy hit to its bridge, killing most of the Senior Officers, including the Captain. Field promotions were handed out, and Zaxei somehow found himself partly on the Captain’s seat. The deal that was struck was that he would command the ship in combat situations, while the First Officer would command the ship in all other matters. [/hider] [hider=Ashlyn Adler] [b]Name: [/b]Ashlyn Adler [b]Age: [/b]24 [b]Race: [/b]Human [b]Rank: [/b]Commander, First Officer, Chief Medical Officer [b]Skills:[/b] -Advanced Medical Training [b]Away Mission Equipment: [/b] -Medical bag -Standard Issue Scanner -Standard Issue particle beam pistol [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://i.gyazo.com/f814af11f042f732b6384b33f9110362.png[/img] [b]Quick-Bio: [/b] Born on one of the colonies near Earth, she had mostly a sheltered life. Because of this sheltered life, she craved adventure, the most obvious place to get some was the Alliance Navy. After she graduated the Academy, she got her adventure, and more. During her first year of service, aboard the Spirit of Water, she had to operate on injured Etisa. With no clue of how Etisa anatomy worked, she worked with what she could. Over the years, she became a much more experienced doctor, becoming the Chief Medical Officer of the Spirit of Water. [/hider] --- [hider=ANS Spirit of Water] The Nautica Class Heavy Cruiser series started in 2185, discontinued in 2187, with roughly about half a dozen ships constructed. The Nautica Class Heavy Cruiser was primarily a hospital ship, with just enough firepower and defense to defend itself from attack. This allowed, in theory, for the Nautica Class to fly into an area under attack or under emergency and give large amounts of medical aid. However in practice, the Nautica Class was undergunned and underarmored for these purposes and often found itself in more trouble than the trouble it was set out to solve. It proved to be an effective medical ship, just not under extreme situations, which it was built for. Nautica Class production halted after two years, and six ships. With existing Nautica Class ships being refitted as standard medical ships, Alliance Command deemed the idea of the “Combat-Fit Hospital Vessel” a failure. [b]Ship Designation: [/b]ANS Spirit of Water [b]Ship Registry: [/b]NX-1313 [b]Ship Class: [/b]Nautica-Class Retrofit, Heavy Cruiser [b]Ship Size: [/b]880 Meters [b]Ship Crew: [/b]600 Crew, 170 Naval 'Marines' // 1200 Full Capacity [b]Notable Systems:[/b] -Dual chamber Matter/Anti-Matter Reactor. A reactor typically housed in Battleships or Dreadnoughts. The Spirit of Water was given this reactor to power the Armor Emitters. [b]Notable Weapons and Offensive Systems: [/b] -16x “Cascade” Hidden Turrets firing smaller sized Torpedoes. An invention by the Chief Engineer and Chief Armory Officer aboard the Spirit of Water, these rapid fire turrets were an unsanctioned modification to the ship. The turrets are hidden underneath the hull, when activated, panels open up, and the turrets are elevated to their firing positions. The turrets are placed throughout the ship to allow all 16 to fire forwards. The ammo of these turrets are a smaller scale version of the standard torpedo. -11x Particle Beam Arrays (Strips), placed throughout the ship. The Nautica-Class Heavy Cruiser originally had 8 Arrays. The previous captain added 3 more. -14x Particle Beam Emitter Turrets placed throughout the ship. Because the guys that control how guns are distributed in the Fleet didn’t allow the previous captain to add more Arrays, he asked for the older Emitter Turrets. When asked why he wanted them, he said, “I want to put them on independent turret systems, so I can throw them out the Hanger and they would act as independent defense guns.” Although it was a good idea, it was a blatant lie. He just installed the emitters on his own ship, for a lot more firepower. -2x Forward Torpedo Launchers. These are standard issue torpedo tubes. -1x Rear Torpedo Launcher. This is a standard issue torpedo tube. [b]Notable Armor and Defensive Systems: [/b] -Dual Rotating Deflector Shield System. Originally designed to allow ships to get in close proximity to hazardous planetoids or even stars, this shield system has two layers of shields, each one rotating. Providing neither exceptional defense against energy or kinetic weapons, the saving grace of this shield system is its greater shield capacity to offset the average efficiency, and its ability to rotate so that damaged sections of the shields are moved away from enemy attacks. -Experimental "Glacier" Ablative Armor Generator. Developed fairly recently as a quick way to uparmor underarmored ships to help prepare them for war, one Engineer had the idea of adapting it to give extra armor to already well armored ships, in the middle of a fight. The way this system applies extra armor is through industrial sized replicator emitters placed throughout the ship hull, like shield emitters. The replicators when activated, will replicate layers of ablative armor right on top of the ship hull. Different types of ablative armor are available, each type more effective against a specific weapon type. After the fight, the armor plates can detach from the hull of the ship. However due to the tremendous power drain the armor emitters cause, a typical way to supply power to the emitters is by diverting FTL Drive power, so that weapon and shield power levels are not reduced. [b]Other: [/b] The Spirit of Water contains an armory, enough to arm the ship marines with proper combat equipment, and enough to arm the crew with basic survival equipment. [b]Ship Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www11.pic-upload.de/09.09.14/s5jty7g8tfe6.jpg[/img] [/hider]