Feyd barged into his home to find Varri still fast asleep in his bed. [i]You have to be kidding me![/i], he thought to himself before flipping her off the bed. Upon hitting the floor she jumped awake with a yelp, "Hey! I was sleeping! You could have woken me up some other way y'know!" She held her hand to her head as her eyes got accustomed to the light. "And while you are asleep you could have already been up and doing reconnaissance on the castle. Since we can't get those hours back I suggest you get started", Feyd said as he headed abck for the door with Witherfang close behind. Varri grunted before following him outside. "I guess I'll meet up with you here?", she said before heading off. She didn't need an answer, if he was here then that's fine. If he wasn't she'd just go back to the castle to get everything ready.