Winifred had been up for longer than most of the crew, she very rarely slept, and when she did it was only for a few hours at the most. She wasn't much of a morning person, but she'd rather be the first one awake rather than the last one awake. Her slender body leaned against the large mass, taking in the scent of the ocean. Inhale. Exhale. From down below the captain's loud and hearty voice bellowed for the crew to wake up, Leaning over the side of the nest Winnie peaked at the small woman. [i]"Quite the wake up call."[/i] she thought to herself, as she threw her leg over the railing and shimmied her way down onto the rigging of the ship. Carefully she began to climb down, one foot after the other, her hands following closely behind. Her feet were on the deck before she knew it.