Name: Rillah Kopner Age: 17 Powers or magic: She can see into the minds of the people around her. Though, it's not as if she can see exactly what someone's thinking, it's more of how they're feeling and what they're emotions towards other people are. She also cannot turn it off and is constantly bombarded with the feelings and sometimes images of the people around her. Therefore, she is slightly unhinged, as she wants so badly to have silence in her head, even for a moment. She can also send mind pictures to people, though not controlling them, just giving them an image to think of. Almost like passing a thought on to someone. Appreance (You don't have to put a picture, but you have to describe your character(s).) [img][/img] Rillah is pale with long purple wavy hair and eyes. She is 5'6" with a skinny, but strong build. She likes to wear casual clothes, like loose t shirts and jeans. Any other forms: (IF you have one) Personality: Rillah is a bit mentally unsound, and it manifests itself from time to time. She is quiet, because the sound in her head is loud enough by itself. She tends to keep to herself, but she longs for friends and tries to get to know someone if they produce kind vibes. She loves to sing, however, and finds that when she does she can almost be in another place without the noise. She is very observant and is a fast learner. She is skilled at things that can be done with mental skill, but is not so good at sports. At times the noise becomes too much and she used to scream. Now, that she's learned to channel it into music she'll sing and sing until her voice gives out. At times like those she wishes someone was there with her. Art is also another of her passions along with math. Another thing that helps is solving problem after problem of math. She wishes to find someone who will accept her and not see her as insane. Crush: None yet