Sonja was trying pretty hard not to panic. He wasn't sure what was going on, but it didn't seem like anything was going to get much better anytime soon. By all accounts, he should probably have been grieving over his parents, but the discovery of the widespread crisis had kind of redirected his attention at the moment. He still wanted to cry, but it seemed like there was something else that would have to be dealt with first. A lot of somethings. Running down the street, he could see a lot of people either mourning over the dead or dead themselves. Why were there only people roughly his age and younger? There had to be at least one adult here somewhere! Pretty soon, he couldn't run anymore, so he stopped and leaned against a nearby streetlamp. [i]Ah...asthma really sucks...[/i] The thought surfaced for perhaps the millionth time as he pulled out his inhaler. It wasn't often that big a deal to him, but he supposed that the panic was making him careless. After taking a puff from the device, he looked around and tried to come to a decision. If there were older people anywhere, they weren't making any appearances. He was going to have to find some of the older people who were actually alive and see if any of them had a clue what to do.