[center][i]*~*Collaboration between YoshiSkittlez, Ghost Shadow, Tanderbolt, Guardian Angel Haruki, and Major Ursa*~*[/i][/center] Morning came quickly to those used to the harsh life of the refugee camp, and not so quickly for those who had been spending the last five years in a land without magic coupled with the luxuries of soft beds and warm rooms to sleep in. News of Snow White and the other's appearance traveled quickly around the camp, and by the time the sun had peaked over the mountains everyone within the small refugee camp knew just as much as Lancelot and the others did. Despite it being the early hours of the morning, the camp was quite busy, filled with the dull, bustling sounds of the campers going back and forth between tents, getting breakfast cooked up, ensuring the traps surrounding the camp were still entact and so on. Killian, the...blacksmith, headed for Lancelot's tent through the chaos of the morning routine. The man knew how to be discreet whenever he headed for the Knight turned Leader's tent, not many noticed him when he went to that particular tent every morning. On the rare occasion that someone did, he gave the excuse that he was called by Lancelot to temper and sharpen his weapons. He entered the tent and noticing that Lancelot was dealing with another person who lived in the camp, he 'greeted' Lancelot, "Morning Lancelot. I've got your message in regards to your weapons," The man spoke in code, showing that he wished to speak to him about their plan and, as usual, let the other know that everything had progressed accordingly. Lancelot looked up from his conversation with the trap specialist, and as far as he was concerned the conversation was over. He waved away the man with a strong hand and waited until he had left the tent entirely before speaking. "You told them of the mirror?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Indeed I have," Killian replied with a grin, remembering how The Cat was especially interested in the mirror. There was no doubt in his mind that The Cat would tell the others about the mirror...eventually if not right away. Lancelot nodded his head twice, smiling. "Then see to it that they get there; safely of course. And make sure Puss goes with you, it would be a fresh reprieve to do without her for a few days." The two exchanged a knowing look before Lancelot waved Killian away so that he might continue with his work in peace. Killian's grin widened slightly in knowing, and he answered "Very well," As soon as Lancelot waved Killian away, he turned and walked out of the tent to check in on the others. It was only a matter of time before the previous Queen and her small party would be ready to set out for the ruined castle. All he had to do now was offer his services. He just hoped that Snow White wouldn't rely on her gut feelings just for once and not press him on the matter, and that he would be able to get through to Looney Puss in Boots...not like he would understand a word she said anyway... Having changed forms sometime during the night in his fight for sleep, [url=http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/10900000/Casanova-episode-1-2005-david-tennant-10985714-768-432.jpg]Edric[/url] watched Killian approach from afar, perched nonchlantly atop a tall tree branch, occasionally taking a bite from a bright green apple he most likely stole from the food stores in the camp. His long legs dangled over the side of the branch as he kept his bright blue eyes on the blacksmith with much curiosity. Though there was no way Killian would recognize him outside of his more...fluffy form, he grinned as widely as he possibly could; showing off all his pearly whites, as if trying to make a subtle connection to himself and The Cat. His eyes darted downwards as he used his free hand to reach into the pocket of his gaudy blue frock coat, procuring a silver pocket watch and meticulously examining the time, a frown tugging at the corner of his lips. Every second wasted was more time Alice was in the infernal hands of the Queen of Hearts. Nevertheless, he hid his slight anxiousness as best as he could. There was no way he'd let anyone try and manipulate his feelings against him. Killian walked towards the camp, fully intent on finding Snow White and her cat and other companion. However, his eyes soon caught sight an almost paper thin man sitting in a tree and eating an apple, with a familiar wide grin on his face. He immediately caught on to the subtle connection he made to himself and the furball. He shook his head looking to the direction in front of him again and he said to the man as he just kept walking, "That's your true form mate? You look like bloody hell," Edric, at first, didn't respond to, or even seem to acknowledge Killian after his remark, taking a smart bite of his apple before tossing it to the side, a small [i]thud[/i] on the ground signaling its landing. Dusting off his vest and coat, Edric took more than a moment to fix his flat, unstyled hair before dissipating in a small puff of smoke, appearing a split-second later on the ground in front of Killian. "Lying doesn't suit you, Blacksmith. If you're jealous, just say so, I really don't mind. I can empathize with you, truly. Only having one good hand to clean yourself with...the results are quite glaring." Edric finished with a visible look of feign pity mixed with slight disgust; as though he was staring at a mangy hound that had been living on the streets for a few months. Killian glared a bit at Edric and he said sharing the same sarcastic pity, "At least I'm not a bloody cat, and we know how [i]they[/i] bathe themselves. Honestly, I pity any woman who would become your lover," He shook his head and he asked "I don't suppose you know where Her Highness is, mate?" Edric kept his expression veiled when Killian brought up the subject of any lovers. He reserved the right to tell him of his various 'encounters' for another time. Moving subjects along with the blacksmith, Edric seemed to ponder for a few moments. "Darling Snow? Probably around here somewhere. I've been biding my time eating apples and spying on the refugees here." He said slyly, obviously enjoying his nighttime activities. "Much to be learned behind closed doors, my friend. It is when people [i]feel[/i] secure that they open up most. Remember that." Edric advised lastly in a voice that was strangely serious. Snow was slightly happy to be back in The Enchanted Forest, even in it's current situation. She had spent years on the run, hiding and living off the land, a week in the modern world hadn't erased what she had learned. When she saw Edric, she rolled her eyes a little. Getting used to seeing him as a human was hard enough, and now he couldn't even decide on his style. She waited a moment before saying "I hope you all slept soundly, because we can't waste much time if we want to get this done before night. Anyone got any questions that you want answered sooner rather than later?" Edric had a slightly presumptuous look on his face as he looked between Snow and Killian. "Well, I believe I know what we're doing...but I think Sir [i]Hand[/i]son here needs some insight." He finished, pointing nonchalantly in the blacksmith's direction, his eyes kept on the Queen's. Killian rolled his eyes at the cat-man and he ignored Edric. He spoke to Snow, politely and addressing her as Queen, "Your Highness. My name is Killian Jones. I would like to offer you my assistance. There is no doubt in my mind, that Lancelot will protest to you leaving. Especially considering the ogres. But he wouldn't protest, so long as I travel with you. Will you allow me to travel with you?" At the offer, Edric visibly scoffed rudely, but otherwise remained silent, awaiting the word of his friend. She didn't recognize Killian, or know any details about him. "Well, I trust Lancelot's judgment, though I would like to verify before leaving. Henry, I think you could show some more kindness to this man, he's volunteerd to help us. A man who has lost his hand and still lives on isn't likely to make a rash decisions. He knows the risks he is taking, and he still wants to help, not many would do the same." Running the whetstone (heh, weird name for the useful thing) along her blade, and sharpening all the same, Jill’s eyes strayed to the haphazard pile of blades and such she had spent the early morning sharpening. There was even a pail of spoons that the people of the camp had salvaged, each sharpened to a deadly point, just on a mere whim. Releasing out a breath as she raised her blade to the candle light, very much satisfied with how razor sharp it had become, she finally heard the sound of metal hitting metal. The sound rung out loudly in the dark tent. Perking up, she turned to see the candle with one less nail stuck into the side. It was time. Sheathing her blade, Jill sprung up onto her boot clad feet, rubbing a dirt scuff on the side of the left one. With a hand reached over to the candle, she pinched the light out, and proceeded to lift the blanket and tent flaps she had used to keep her space dark. The sun was out, but her tent was amongst a cluster of trees, and together she wasn’t struck blind by the light nor even uncomfortable. Practically skipping through the camp, Jill caught sight of Killianananae, strangers and co. Grin growing on her face, she rushing over to the front of ‘em all and gave them all a playful salute each, crossing her arms over her chest and alternating an expectant stare at each of their face. Killian looked to Jill when she suddenly came up to them, and gave them a salute before just crossing her arms and looking at them expectantly. He really didn't want Jill to join, but it was necessary. He said to Snow and Edric, "Apparently Jill wants to travel with us as well," He then said to Snow, "You'll have to forgive Jill...but she may not take no for an answer, knowing her," "I, for one, believe she should follow!" Edric cut in abruptly, grinning widely. "Every cat-god needs a priest." He added with a curt nod to emphasize. "If she won't cause any trouble, Jill can come along. We will watch her closely, but it is better to have her where we can watch her than sneaking along behind us. I feel like we should leave fairly soon, before we get even more companions." Snow said, still not entirely trusting either the new members of the party. "Very well then, gentle people...let's find that castle." Edric said in an almost darkly resolved tone, flashing an unsettling grin before quickly shifting back into cat form and slinking away from the refugee camp towards the dour woods, taking a swift moment to look behind him towards his companions before disappearing into the dark foliage. "G'aw? Wahh?" There was look of utter disappointment on Jill's face when the man turned into a cat, which pretty much destroyed her idea of him being a god. Gods didn't shapeshift and stuff, that was the trait of a trained magicker, which she wasn't all that partial to. Killian watched Edric just strut into the forest in his cat form, and he looked to Snow and Jill, and he said politely, gesturing for them to go before him, and he said politely and suavely, "My ladies," Killian didn't follow, until Jill and Snow were in front of him. It was only a few minutes of walking into the forest when the light of the sun seemed more dim than before. Soundlessly, Knox peered down at them from where he stood in the shade of a tall leafy tree's branches. Stepping back, and rising out of Killian's shadow, the darkness of his aura swirled thicker than the previous day's, like a heavy smoke. "From what I remembered of what was discussed the night before, I don't believe I need to ask where you're all headed." And in a blink, Knox was gone again, this time now stepping out of a tree's shadow a few paces away from The Cheshire Cat. With his presence making the area much darker, light like the sun was about to set all over again...casting a glance back at the group, the shadow man point at Henry, smirking a little at their new trouble his presence was indeed causing, "Follow that cat, he has the most effective eyes out of all of you." Snow walked along behind Henry but ahead of Killian. It made her nervous that the stranger was hanging back, but there wasn't much she could do about now. She said "I'm not sure he has the most effective brain behind those eyes, who knows what the years have done. But even if he has lost a step, we've all got to stick with him, especially out here." Some of Henry's recent decisions had made her nervous, but he was still a good friend. With a curt nod to the shade, she left it at that and quickened her pace, eager to return back home; whatever remained of it at least.