Abby snorted when she heard Artemis insult Cyril, knowing that he wouldn't be able to understand her. Then she suddenly felt her upper body get lifted off the ground. Before she knew it, she felt her back rest against something warm and Naoto's voice near her ear. Apparently the pink-haired teen was allowing her to use him as a crutch while she ate some of the food he had brought over from the dining table. Abby breath hitched and she could feel tears prick her eyes. No one outside her immediate family ever did anything nice; not even her old friends back in New York. It was so... sweet. The blond brushed away her tears, realizing her arms weren't in much pain as she thought and quickly grabbed a piece of toast from one of the plates. "Thanks." She mumbled under her breath, too embarrassed by her sudden waterworks to say anything else. So instead, she just dug in. The rest of the group got up at their own pace and made their way to either the table or the tray of food on the floor next to Naoto and Abby to fill their empty stomachs. Even though a few arguments arose here and there, there was a sense of peace in the living area for just a few minutes and each teen cherished it, knowing that tomorrow would be filled with more chaotic training. --- Morning came too soon for Abby who was standing in Naoto's backyard with a couple of the Guardians who decided to come early. Well, Abby was only early because she ended up crashing at Naoto's. And it was Miku who woke anyone staying there up to get to Sonya's training on time. Although she knew she meant well, Abby thought there was no reason to since the crazy woman wasn't even around yet. Her stuff was and the table of weapons was back as well as a line of wooden poles with several smaller poles sticking out of it, like the ones Abby saw in martial arts movies. The blond stifled back a yawn as she looked at her watch. "Well there's five minutes before training actually begins," she began saying to the entirety of the group that was already there, "where do you think everybody else is?"