As Gabriel felt a 10th person other than himself entering the room, he suddenly felt an 11th person materialize straight afterwards. [i]What the...[/i] He thought, putting his book down and looking up. Someone who looked to be older than most of the people in the room was standing there. His uniform was similar to theirs, except it was completely black. In any form of hierarchy Gabriel had studied, he knew that any kind of distinguishing feature on regular clothing signified someone of a higher position. That meant that the person standing there was most definitely a senior or perhaps someone higher than that. Besides that, he felt when he focused, that his blood pressure was very slightly higher than normal meaning he was slightly agitated in some way. "Now that everyone has arrived, we are ready to depart." The senior said. Judging from his tone of voice, he was somewhat annoyed for whatever reason. [i]Perhaps someone was late.[/i] He thought to himself. Looking down at his watch, he saw it was exactly a minute after the time they were supposed to arrive. [i]He's one of those people, is he?[/i] Gabriel remarked. Taking his notebook out of his pocket, he scribbled some notes down on the senior for future reference as he continued talking. The senior's annoyance had been removed from his tone of voice, but Gabriel could still feel that his blood was still slightly agitated. It was less than before but it was still slightly higher than normal. He continued writing notes about his appearance and possible personality traits as he finished his speech. "...your student card can be found within the envelope. Your rank is listed at the front of the card. If you believe you have been ranked inaccurately, you are free to rise up on your accord through the shuffle matches. Either that or you can wait patiently for the reclassing in three months." Gabriel had no idea what the 'shuffle matches' were, but he could guess what reclassing was. He noted that an envelope had suddenly appeared on the conference table with their names on them when he was sure they hadn't been there previously. Perhaps that was his power. "That concludes what I have to say, enjoy your remaining ride aboard [i]The Merlin.[/i]" Speech and observations finished, the senior left. And Gabriel had a slight problem to take care of. The envelope was out on the table, in the middle of the sunlight. And if he went out to get it, he would have to put his umbrella up and beforehand there had only been 2 other people now there were 10. He was going to look really weird if opened an umbrella, went to the table, grabbed his card and sat back down in the darkness for no apparent reason. So he did just that. Opening his small umbrella and standing as he did so, he went to the table to pick up his card. When he reached the table to look for his card, he scanned the other cards to find out the names of his fellow latecomers. He had a pretty good memory so he memorized the names and when he went back to his corner after finding his card. After refolding his umbrella and sitting down, he wrote down the names he remembered as he studied his own card. [i]Di Sangue, Gabriel Rank: B Dorms: Academia[/i] Most of the other students were rank B as well but there were also some Ds, Cs and even an A. He thought it would be a good idea to note the rankings so he wrote down the ones he could remember. He had a general idea of what the rank meant. It was most probably the basic alphabet system from F to A. Or perhaps it had the S class as well meaning that the senior from before was probably S class as well. That meant that he was in the third rank. All things considered it was probably a good rank to be in. There was room for improvement, and it wasn't exactly average. But what he was really thinking about was the dorms. He assumed that whatever it said was the name of the dorm building, but he couldn't really see a pattern for how it was assigned. He had gotten Academia, but some of the students his level had gotten West View. He didn't really know what that meant, but there was one thing he knew for sure at least. Prominence was most probably for A class and S class students exclusively. Judging from its lofty title and the fact that the girl in A class was the only one in it our of the group, he could guess that it was a fairly elite dormitory. Perhaps it was even that castle he had heard about. He looked at the A class now. She looked to be fairly young, and she was clutching a rabbit doll. [i]A class probably has high expectations.[/i] He thought. He focused on her, and her blood seemed to be flowing quite normally. He hadn't really known what to be expecting but he'd checked anyway. Looking over his notes and his card once again, he tried to think of anything else that was noteworthy. Having concluded that there was none, he pocketed both the card and his notebook before returning to his psychology handbook.