Able had a lot of questions, but there might be no one to answer them. He could probably ask the people next to him, but he doubted he would get answers. Judging from the guy who appeared from nowhere's speech, the rest of the people here were in the same boat as him-both physically and school-wise. All he knew about Zandore's boarding academy was that it was good. Also, it was on an island. And, it was pretty interesting, but that's most of what he knew. The rest of what he knew came from a brochure. Well, there were 3 dorms, Prominence, West View and Academia, and there was a class system consisting of seven letters from S down to E. He guessed it went S, A, B, C, D, E. It wouldn't really make sense otherwise, but Able didn't know what S was doing behind A. Did the S stand for something? Speaking of rankings... Able picked up his envelope and opened it. 'Oh.' Able said aloud. He was in B class. That was good, right? Though without any comparison, it didn't mean much. But considering there were 7 classes starting from S, it meant he was in the 3rd highest class of students. This kind of confused him, because he didn't do too well academically. Though his physics skill and athletic abilities probably attributed to it. Able looked around, wondering what everyone else got. He couldn't exactly see, however, as they were already reading their own envelopes. He turned back to his own envelope. The West view dorm... Able had put that as his preference, bot because it looked good (which it did), but because if he was near the beach, he could swim every morning. He liked swimming, after all. Though he'd have to put it off in winter. Swimming in winter would be stupid, even for him. Nevertheless, he was glad he landed in West View. He would get a lot of exercise from swimming. It was apparently a fair distance away from the school, but he could just run there anyway. Able read on. [i]Allowance... 15000 yen???[/i] He read. Was that a lot? It looked like a lot. He didn't know the conversion rates to pounds so he had nothing to compare to. He would probably just find out how much he can buy with 15000 yen and base it off of that. Though, one thing to note... They'd apparently received 20000 yen as compensation for... cyber terrorism? And they were a week late? That didn't make for a good start. He'd likely have to catch up on missed studies as well. But cyber terrorists? Well, he shouldn't pry too far into that. The guy from before who disappeared just know made it seem like it wasn't his business. Able read on to his confirmed list of subjects. Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, General PE. Good, all the subjects he wanted. There were some weird ones on the subject list which included magic and assassination, which Able thought was extremely strange. He wasn't really into magic and didn't know who would choose those subjects. Though if this academy existed for as long as the brochure said it had, magic would probably be taken a lot. By who, Able couldn't guess. In fact, the people at the conference right now, his fellow passengers, weren't exactly normal either. The first one that caught his attention when he entered the room (after the faceplant) was a girl with prosthetic legs. That was a little weird. Next was a green haired guy with a gun, which was... odd. The third and fourth to catch his attention was a guy with golden eyes and a white haired girl who had apparently stepped over him after he tripped. The rest looked relatively normal, though he didn't doubt they had special features which weren't immediately apparent. After his greeting (which no one responded to), he took a seat between the girl with prosthetic legs and a relatively normal looking person (victor) and waited. The last girl came in and the conference began. Which brought up the greatest question he had. What did he do now? He looked at his seat neighbours. They were still reading the contents of their envelopes. He really wanted to bring up the prosthetic legs, but that was way too insensitive even for Able. And the other guy didn't look to be in a sociable mood. He looked around, and everyone was either still reading their letters or already finished with them. 'So...' Able said experimentally. 'What do we do now?'