Eklispe: Got a few things about your character I would like you to look at. First would be picking a definitive gender for your character, it will make it easier on everyone with a set gender. Second being 21 and primarily focused around archery I don't see you being able to become an expert in a magic element on the side. With your tinkering abilities and all that I would say that is a good enough way to start. Expert magic level (at the start) is for those who want to be a full on mage. And my final thing is with the pistols, it kinda seems like you chose Hieledran solely for the guns and didn't really put much of the lore into your background. And even then with you having the souped up bow I don't even think you would need the pistols as your bow would be more accurate and faster firing. And thats about all i got there. now back into the land of no internet :(