Gilfred sat hard on the ground when he and his brother had finally reached the rest of the group. He breathed deep a couple of times, regaining his composure from the fight and the run. He gave a slight grin and was about ready to say something when a dull thump grabbed his attention. Turing his hear Gil quickly found the source of the noise, his brother had collapsed. He began to move, a bit of worry showing on his face, but he was beaten to the punch by Cora. Gilfred remand stationary as Cora began to attend to Will, but soon enough it seemed she had it well under control. He couldn't help but grin slightly at the two as he inch backwards, leaving Will in Cora's care. He kept this grin as he retrieved a bite to eat and slowly mad his way around, coming to a rest near Thema, his grin becoming slightly sheepish as he did so.