[quote=Midori] Quick question: Where do you live? I lived in Nagoya and I was making about 120 000¥ a month, that's 30 000¥ per week and I was a store clerk at the time. 20 000¥ paid for travel expenses to/from work and food for three or four days depending on how much fuel I used. Although given that as students we aren't paying bills for our dorms and most of the food is free it seems more reasonable. [/quote] Singapore. Though 40 dollars was me on a total budget. Food becomes really cheap when you cook it yourself >_>. The woes of a student who doesn't work. [quote=Lord Santa] I got an idea for urban legends. Here we goLegend has it, that on a stormy night, one well wishing student made a rain doll. An A class student living in Prominence. She had run out of white cloth, so she made the doll out of some red cloth she had lying around. A student, late for curfew rushed back to their dorms. The student looked up and beheld the body of the well wishing girl was seen hanging in her own window, instead of the doll. A flash of lightning, and it was gone. That night, the rain around Prominence became red, like blood, and the looming precipices began to drip with the crimson fluid. The next morning, the rain continued and the girl didn't appear in class. They checked on her dorm to find the door locked. Forcing the door, they succeeded in opening the room to find... nothing. Not a trace of any living soul. Her books were out, as if she had been studying. The only thing amiss was the window, opened, and the red doll was dripping blood. The girl couldn't be found on the island, no matter how hard they tried. No trace of her was left. The blood of the night disappeared mysteriously and the blood of the doll was tested and found to be the very same blood as the missing girl's. Legend has it that anyone who hangs a red rain doll during a storm will vanish, only leaving their red rain doll dripping with their blood.Yeh, there it is. [/quote] You and Mazoy sure love bloody legends. Accepted!