Victor had been quiet during the briefing, eyes flitting around the other students. Other than prosthetic legs, dyed hair, tinted contact lenses, and a giant...bunny, nothing stood out to him about most of them. Body language told him which ones were probably more friendly and which were trying too hard to play a lone wolf. The briefer was annoyed, that much was certain. The way he carried himself also suggested he enjoyed power, but not the responsibility of it. When the packets were handed out, Victor couldn't suppress a quirked brow and a bit of a frown at his rank. His grades were stellar, and- "Ach, scheisse..." He was in Japanese. That was going to hurt. That could've explained the rank, he still messed up the language a lot of times. While the class was undoubtedly meant to help him, it didn't change the fact that such a thing would cause stress this year. Still, nothing to do about it. The rank didn't bother him too much personally, but his father was sure to be annoyed at this. A worry for another time, as one of the English students sat between him and the Japanese girl with cybernetic legs. He seemed bubbly and friendly, a trait apparently shared by the girl. Johnson Able and Kimiko Kobayashi. Easy to pronounce in his head...the two struck up a conversation, as Victor continued looking over his packet before tucking it neatly back into the folder. He slid his ID into his wallet, the allowance coming to about 54 Euro. Not a lot, he thought to himself. The name of the girl seemed familiar. Oh, right. She was the one he had read about at one point. His father's associate had done the surgery to attach her prosthetic legs, it had been quite a big deal in both the medical and robotic fields. Victor found their conversation was well paced and not seeming to slow down, so he decided against interrupting them. He could also barely understand anything they were saying regardless, the two seemed fairly fluent in their respective languages and were talking rapidly. The first cultural barrier rises. The German instead stood up, a calm smile on his face as he looked around, adjusted his glasses, and opted to look around the yacht. He walked towards the door to the conference room, the movement of the boat causing him to sway ever so slightly before he caught himself. As he left, he went to the railing quickly, grinning broadly as he looked at the waves and the retreating coastline. Didn't matter how used to yachts he got, the ocean always amazed him. Growing up in Munich, he rarely, if ever, got to see it, except when he was taken to one of the parties his father's associates would throw. The mist from the wake splashed up and he took a deep breathe. His green eyes roamed the deck. A pool...several extravagant lounge chairs and tables, large umbrellas. The yacht was lavish, he'd give it that. He wasn't sure, but he'd bet if he looked around enough, there would be a helicopter pad. He thought about his classes. He was still happy his sister hadn't convinced him to take Assassination. With his knowledge of anatomy, he could easily have dominated such a field...but it wasn't something that sat well with the boy. The chemistry and biology classes would be easy. The alchemy class should be fun. Still...the language class was going to cause many sleepless nights, this would probably explain why he only had four classes starting out. He patted the railing, the ocean lifting his mood quite dramatically.