[center]Dahlia rocked back and forth on her heels listlessly while the bright sunlight reflected off her grandmother’s ornate opal necklace. She had enjoyed moments like this since childhood. Quiet reflections in which to contemplate the world’s grows and glows. There was not much happening on the streets below. Asa had continually done a fine job picking the most withdrawn Mundane regions in existence. Dahlia had an ambivalent feeling towards these decisions. On one hand, she enjoyed the seclusion. On the other, she wished to observe the Mundane’s in their more natural setting. This place was definitely not for the median group of Mundanes. Fortunately, they had been permitted time during the day to explore the city and its people. They were reprimanded for going out alone or after hours, which Dahlia had struggled to come to terms with in her week on the surface. She preferred the darkness, not only because of her time living in Undaro, but also because her family had often spoken of the dazzling culture of Mundane night-life. Up to this point, Dahlia had not been given the opportunity to witness it for herself. Her shoulders tensed together as Jeff’s voice startled her from behind. The sound had broken through her peaceful trance and spooked the small girl slightly. She turned to face his brooding figure, focusing her gaze upward at the tall man. The grin spreading across his face was enough to bring her back to reality. He had a contagious personality and Dahlia was no exception to his silly grin. She bowed her head, trying to conceal a smile of her own, and nodded in response to his question. She at least knew that Asa and Carter had departed the loft early from their empty beds, they were always the early risers. She and Jeff had a similar routine and were almost forced into a friendship from the beginning of their venture. At first, it had greatly embarrassed Dahlia to be the latest sleeper in the group. She would wake up confused and stumble out of her bed to the empty quarters. [i]Did they leave me alone? Surely they wouldn’t do that, there must be…[/i] Her thoughts would be interrupted by the gruff morning calls of Jeff. They didn’t speak much in the beginning. It was simply an understanding that as the last two they would have to explore together. No choices. Eventually though, the two exchanged meager conversation and began attempting to know each other as more than just the only option. Dahlia now waited on the older man patiently, even if she happened to wake up before many in the group. If Asa and Carter were the Robin Hood and Little John of the group, Jeff and Dahlia were Old Dan and Little Anne. Dahlia looked back at the dark shades concealing Jeff’s eyes and twisted her lips to the side bashfully. As her raised eyebrows peeked over the white frames of her own sunglasses, she parted her lips to speak. “No sense in rushing. Good things come to those who wait. You ready to go?” She turned her gaze to the creaky stairs below the fire escape and cautiously stepped down one step at a time. A few feet from the ground the stairs broke off into nothingness. Dahlia jumped down and landed sturdily on the street below. She had held tight to the railing the whole way down, and her hands were covered with faint traces of rusting paint. She wiped her palms together with a swishing sound and shrugged her shoulders at her intake of breath. Dahlia looked behind her for Jeff to follow, waiting to hear his usual words of protest. He never let any of the other Uisilon women, including herself, descend the last part of the stairs without going first to offer his hand. Dahlia’s streak of independence shone through her quiet actions. Jeff was protective of them all, but that protection was growing stronger with each passing day on the surface. He wouldn’t say what had caused the change, but Dahlia had been pondering the thought for a few days now. [i]What is he hiding from me?[/i][/center]