Kalinda found herself chuckling softly, "He never wears out" She said, "But its your fault if he jumps all over you" She said, setting Cooper now, "Have at it, coop" She said, as he once more began to bark happily, running around, jumping up and down, "Jeez, I'd hoped to train him as a K-9 dog, but that might be a stretch" She managed to smile, and said,after them "There's food. I made extra, if you're hungry" She whistled, and Cooper stopped, looking back like a child begging to continue for five more minutes, looking back to where the others had gone, "Na-uh. Come here" He gave what could be seen as a doggy sigh, and came back to her. "You can play with them later" She said, reaching for a dog treat from her bag, sending the little puppy into ecstatics again, quickly gobbling up the treat. "Might be hope for you yet, little one" She said, giving him a quick pet. She didn't know what to do now. She swallowed, and looked over to Michael.