[quote=PeppermintKisses] Name: Jessica JunoAge: 20, nearly 21...she's a bit nervous. Appreance: Personality: She's a bit of a hot-head, very protective, and rather suborn. She can come off as rude, but she just isn't good at expressing her feelings. She had to grow up fast in an unforgiving world. Bio: Jess lived on the streets, her parents were good people who were just dealt some bad cards. Her mother died from tetanus, when she was 10. Her dad did the best he could to provide, he often worked 3-4 jobs at a time, and when Jess was old enough she dropped out of high school to work as well to help support her dad and younger sibling. They lived on the streets for a few months, she was 16 when her younger brother got sick. They couldn't do anything to help him, he died 3 weeks later, leaving Jess and her dad by themselves. Her father began to work even more and Jess gradually went to do her own things. She had to grow up fast. She's done a lot of odd jobs and has many weird skills. Ex: She is a professional sword swallower, she can juggle and 'breathe' fire. She's a decent acrobat, she can sing the entire 'nations of the world' song. She worked many odd jobs, she was a street performer for a while, worked in a circus, movie theature, grave digger, a farm, Walmart, mortician's assistant, the list goes on and on. [/quote] Approved