Jeff was happy to find Dahlia in good spirits, he always found her cheerful demeanor charming. It gave him hope for the future of the Uisilons, perhaps for his own future though he tried not to think about that. The air seemed somehow still outside today. It was eerily calm, yet the warm breeze soothing. 'It's going to be a good day.' Jeff tried to assure himself internally, while groaning externally at the effort of beginning their day. As he climbed out onto the fire escape to Join Dahlia, sudden aches and pains shot through his muscles reminding him again of the troubles he encountered the previous night. He realized Dahlia hadn't seemed to notice his freshly bruised eye and sighed in relief, 'perhaps it's not as noticeable as I thought.' He took one last glance into the apartment, wondering if he'd forgotten something, then turned to look down at Dahlia's smiling face. "I suppose you have a point, though it may be a little optimistic to hope for good things at this point." His voice was low and introspective, as was common for him. With minor hesitation he thought about her question. "Yes, let's do this. What are our goals today?" Jeff inquired as Dahlia descended the steps. Being as exhausted as he was, Jeff didn't even think to get ahead of Dahlia before she dropped to the street; though he grunted his frustrations after the fact. "You know I hate it when you do that." He commented casually before throwing himself over the railing and to the street from the third floor. Jeff's feet hit the pavement hard. He stumbled ever so slightly, quickly regaining his composure in an effort to down play the error. It was a jump he had made dozens of times, but he had forgotten to consider his current state. Straightening himself out, Jeff rolled his shoulders and looked around a long moment before turning his attention back to his youthful companion. He offered her a light smile and suddenly spoke with more enthusiasm than before "Breakfast!" The mere thought of it was making his mouth water. "I've come across some money..." Reaching into his pocket, Jeff grabbed a hand full of paper bills and held them out to Dahlia. "The mundanes really aren't good at holding on to their belongings sometimes." He added with a crooked grin. He watched Dahlia's face with an arched eyebrow, hopeful that she was as excited by the concept of warm food and coffee as he was. Getting caught up in his enthusiasm, Jeff headed off towards the main street, though he was careful not to walk too fast; something he had almost begrudgingly learned to do when the two were first paired together. As he walked, though, his mind began to wander: he wondered what Asa was up to, what he was planning, and if the time was right for Jeff to reveal the fruits of his labor.