Leaders Name: This will be your leader, can also be main character Location: Gang Name: Special Units (Now this is the interesting part, these are the units only you have): (< I don't even think the Mafia gets this well organized as to have a Seal Team 6) Hideout Description: Notable People: Main Import: (< Gangs do not have economies. Therefore they do not import.) Main Export: (< Gangs do not have economies. Therefore they do not export. At the loosest definition they're more a business which'd make "export" more "produce" with its own input and throughput. But in many cases gangs are more a social club with some maybe side-dabblings in money-making schemes which may or may not involve the production of anything.) Leaders Appearance: (< You really could have adjusted the position of this and the next one down) Leaders Personality: Crest: (< I don't think I've ever run across a gang with a formal branding outside of motorcycle gangs) History: